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American Association of Family and Consumer Scienc, Association for Consumer Research, Marketing Science Institute
California Department of Education Home Economics , Cornell University College of Human Ecology, Michigan State University College of Human Ecology, North Carolina State University Family & Consu, Oregon State University College of Health and Huma, Sault College - Child and Youth Work Program, Texas Cooperative Extension Family and Consumer Sc, University of Akron School of Family and Consumer , University of Delaware Department of Consumer Stud, University of Florida IFAS Department of Family, Y
Academy of Marketing Science Review, Advances in Consumer Research, Consumption, Markets, & Culture, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Research for Consumers, Review of Marketing Science
Consumer Behavior and Marketing: The Psychology of
Provides an overview of topics in consumer psychology from a marketing point of view.
Consumer Culture Bibliography
Contains references on consumer culture, compiled by Don Slater.
Education Index - Home Economics Resources
Search for educational information and links in the field of Home Economics
Family and Consumer Science Resources Online
Annotated list of Internet resources covering the field of Home Economics/Family and Consumer Science.
Forum for Family and Consumer Issues
A refereed e-journal designed to integrate, appply, and transmit knowledge about issues of current interest in Family and Consumer Sciences.
From Domesticity to Modernity: What Was Home Econo
Cornell University Library exhibition on the history of home economics. Traces the in history of the profession, provides a timeline, biographies, bibliography and interviews.
History of Home Economics
Notes on early home economics extension work in Iowa including a statement concerning the development of home economics teaching at Iowa State College.
History of Women and Science, Health, and Technolo
Bibliography of home economics and domestic science professions and their disciplines.
Home Economics Archive
Electronic collection of historic books and journals in Home Economics and related disciplines. The full text of these materials, as well as bibliographies and essays are available.
Home Economics Institue of Australia
Professional association for home economists. Includes member information, publications, news, chat, student links and related resources.
International Federation of Home Economics
Provides an international forum for home economists to develop and express concerns for individuals, families, and households at the United Nations and among other international non-governmental organisations whose interests parallel those of home economics.
Rural American Women and Directed Cultural Change
Shows the effect of the domestic science movement on individual farm women in the early 20th century. By Laura Carroll.
Taking ADvantage
An online book with the thesis that advertising creates stimuli that take advantage of human subconscious processing which is a particular product of physical and cultural human evolution.
The Ecology of the Family
Background paper for a family-centered approach to education and social service delivery.
The Home Economics Database
A searchable bibliography of articles in the field of home economics, family studies and consumer sciences, covering technological, social and economic aspects of both private and institutional households.
US Census Bureau Families and Living Arrangements
Demographic characteristics of households and families.
What's Driving Consumption?
A debate in Boston Review, centered around Juliet Schor's "The New Politics of Consumption", includes comments by Robert H. Frank, James Twitchell, and others.