english deutsch
Capital and Interest
Etext of Böhm-Bawerk's most important work.
Karl Marx and the Close of His System
One of the first articles from a liberal economist to directly attack Marxist economics.
The Function of Saving
An article from the Annals of the American Academy, 1901.
The Historical vs the Deductive Method in Politica
A translation of one of the most important contributions in the methodenstreit between the deductive Austrian school and the analytical German Historicist school.
The Origin of Interest
An article arguing that interest derives from the differing values that people place on the time preference for money rather than on the profits earned by the loan.
The Ultimate Standard of Value
Böhm-Bawerk, as with all Austrian economists, believed that all value originated in the marginal utility of the consumer and not in any value intrinsic in the commodity itself. Article from the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.