Nobel Foundation: Prize in Economic Sciences, 2002
Includes Vernon L. Smith's prize lecture, banquet speech, interview, diploma, and prize award photo. He received the award "for having established laboratory experiments as a tool in empirical economic analysis, especially in the study of alternative market mechanisms."
Power to the People
Article about the U.S. electric power industry describes perils of limiting competition and distorting marketing incentives. Published in the Wall Street Journal.
Smith, Vernon
Article from the Wikipedia open encyclopedia project.
The Experimental Economist
Interview subtitled "Nobel laureate Vernon Smith takes markets places they've never been before", for the December 2002 issue of Reason magazine.
Vernon L. Smith
Faculty biography of Smith, a Professor of Economics and Law at George Mason University.
Vernon L. Smith, Professor of Economics and Law
Curriculum vitae, including degrees, research interests, recent publications, and contact information, with a more detailed version available in pdf format.