A Third Way for the Third World
A review of Amartya Sen's "Development as Freedom".
Amartya K. Sen
Brief profile, list of works, and links.
Amartya Sen
Official Nobel Foundation website, with press release (including summary of his contributions to welfare economics), and extensive (8000-word) autobiography.
Amartya Sen Interview
Atlantic Monthly interview on Sen's book "Development as Freedom".
Amartya Sen on Asian Values
Article from the New Republic, 1997.
Articles on Amartya Sen
On the occasion of his winning of the 1998 Nobel Prize in Economics.
Brief Biography
Brief biographical notes from India Today. [registration required]
Democracy as a Universal Value
Article by Sen in the Journal of Democracy 10:3, using ideas more fully developed in 'Democracy as Freedom'.
Nobel Prize Internet Archive
Amartya Sen books and links.
Sen's OUP Publications
List of those works of Sen published by Oxford University Press, with brief reviews.
The Conscience of Economics
India Today article on Sen's Nobel. [registration required]