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A Land-Theory Discussion
A discussion on land ownership in the light of Coase's theorem.
Autobiography of Ronald Coase
From the Nobel e-museum. Links to his Prize lecture on the Institutional Structure of Production, his Banquet speech and the press release.
Looking for Results
Wide ranging interview in the libertarian Reason magazine in January 1997.
Nobel Winner Coase Blends Theories of Economics an
Story in the Boston Globe about Coase's Nobel prize.
Professor Ronald Coase
A speech given at the University of Buckingham outlining Coase's contributions to the fields of economic and legal theory.
Ronald Coase
Wikipedia article.
Ronald Coase and the Coase Theorem
A liberal argument against the Coase Theorem.
Ronald H. Coase
Biography on History of Economic Thought site.
Ronald H. Coase
An entry in the Libertarian inclined "Concise Encyclopedia of Economics".
Ronald H. Coase
University of Chicago faculty homepage.
The Coase Theorem
Looking at the Tort implications of the theorem.
The Coase Theorem: Controlling Externalities throu
A lecture handout that explores the implications of the Coase theorem.
The Nature of the Firm
Coase's first (1937) published essay about firm's size and existence being related to the transaction costs in their market.
The World According to Coase
An article on Coase by the economist David Friedman.