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American Studies at Cal State Fullerton
American Studies at Cal State Fullerton is an independent department which takes as its primary subject American culture in its historical development.
American Studies Center
Research group in literature, philosophy, economy, history, and politics. Features news, publications, faculty profiles, and contact details. Warsaw University, Poland.
American Studies Department - George Washington Un
Offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Programs, faculty and student information, resources, how to apply.
American Studies Department - Keele University
Courses and staff information.
American Studies, Washington State University
Features overview, profile of academics, information on scholarships, graduate study, and research programs.
Cornell University - Department of American Studie
Department of American Studies - Hebrew University
The first academic unit in the country to offer interdisciplinary studies in the field of American Studies, comprising history, spiritual and literary culture, and constitutional heritage. Today, our Department is the only one to offer post-graduates studies, both at the M.A. and Ph.D. levels, together with complementary undergraduate unit.
Department of American Studies - The University of
Departamental information, and online courses.
Department of American Studies - University of Ala
Contains contact information, information about the degree program, class listings and websites, and links.
Georgetown University - American Studies Program
Institute for North American Studies - University
Site lists faculty, course offerings, and links.
Multinational Institute of American Studies
Organized in l98l at New York University to promote and upgrade the study of the United States abroad at all levels of schooling.
Texas, University of - Department of American Stud
University of Leipzig Institute for American Studi
Newsletter, library information, lectures and seminars, and links of interest to American Studies scholars in Germany and the world.
Virginia, University of - Program in American Stud
Affiliated with the Department of English at UVA.
Wyoming, University of - American Studies Program
Yale University - Program in American Studies