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Ancient Lothian
A website dedicated to the historic cultures of South-East Scotland. We will be attempting to catalogue the majority of ancient sites within the Lothians, as well as documenting the Celtic and Germanic histories and mythologies of the region up to about 1500 AD... OK, a pretty loose interpretation of "ancient"!
Ancient Scotland
An extensive pictorial guide to the prehistory of Scotland
Ancient Stones
A guide to the standing stones, stone circles and other interesting stones of the South East Scotland.
Maeshowe and Neolithic Orkney
Events and photographs relating to Maes Howe and Orkney archaeology by Charles Tait, the Orkney based photographer.
Megalithic sites of Perthshire
A list of all exisiting and destroyed standing stones and stone circles in Perthshire, with photos and information.
Neolithic, Bronze Age and Pictish Sites of North E
Photographs and locations of stone circles and carved stones in Aberdeenshire by George Soja.
Orkney's Standing Stones
Images, descriptions and discussion of the Neolithic stone monuments of these Scottish islands from journalist Sigurd Towrie's Orkneyjar, with an introduction.
Scotland and Prehistory
Maciandubh gives photographs and commentary on standing stones/monoliths, cairns, brochs and the ancient houses of Skarabrae.
Stone Circles in Angus and Perthshire
Nick Brand presents his own photographs of some of the stone circles, standing stones and other ancient sites in Angus and Perthshire, with information from authoritative sources.
Stones of Scotland
List all the prehistoric standing stones, burial mounds and other ancient landmarks in Scotland, along with photographs in both low and high resolution, locations with Ordanance Survey map references. Also states if access is suitable or not for the disabled.