english deutsch
Atlantis: The Lost Continent
Discussing the myth that that the Canaries are the remnants of the lost continent of Atlantis.
Beyond the Beaches of Gran Canaria
Article in Archaeology discussing the archaeology of the most populated of the Canary Islands.
El Museo Canario
Collects and exhibits objects belonging to the natural sciences, archaeology and the arts; a Library where to collect and preserve both old and modern works; with a special attention to the province and Gran Canaria. Includes: history, collections, publications, and contact information.
Guanche Mummies
Short description of the location and nature of the mummies from the Discovery Channel.
Number Systems and Calendars of the Berber Populat
Jose Barrios Garca describes some of the findings of his doctoral dissertation on the mathematical and astronomical practices of 14th- and 15th-century Guanches and Canarians.
Pirámides de Güimar
Archaeological park includes museum, auditorium, and leisure area.
The History of La Palma
A history of La Palma and the Canaries; including its archaeology and abstracts from early writers.
The Pyramids of Guimar, Canary Islands, Spain
Discovery, evidence, and possible significance.
Two Enigmatic Petroglyphs on Fuerte Ventura
As a result of a one year research project, the author was able to document about 780 panels of rock art exclusively on Fuerteventura, one of the eastern islands of the Canarian Archipelago.