Sites and Monuments
A study of Grimspound, Ancient Sites in Britain, Bannockburn Neolithic Enclosures, Belle Tout, Dolmen and Grottoes of Bisceglie, Strange Skulls
Aceramic Neolithic of Turkey
A virtual gallery of the Interactive Museum of Turkey.
Aegean and Cyprus in the Early Holocene: Brothers
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 1(1). This paper discusses the neolithication of the Aegean as opposed to Cyprus.
Agricultural Revolution
A learning module from Washington State University.
Ancient Neolithic Architecture
Great Buildings Online gives images, with commentary and sources, of outstanding monuments built by Neolithic societies: Stonehenge and the Temple at Tarxien, Malta.
Discovery Channel: Ultimate Guide: Iceman
Information about the film with the same title, as well as the latest news, including a photo gallery, and an overview of the forensic evidence.
Domestication of the Horse
An article describing the Neolithic origins of the domesticated horse.
Evolution of Crop Plants
Course materials in on the Neolithic Revolution from the University of California, Davis.
Faiyum Neolithic Artifacts
A gallery of stone tools from the Faiyum Oasis of Egypt dated to approximately 4200 - 3800 BC.
First Farmers With No Taste for Grain
Bone analysis suggests Neolithic people preferred meat to cereals, writes Mike Richards in British Archaeology.
Gardening History Timeline - From Ancient Times
Provides a general overview of global plant domesitication beginning in the Neolithic. Includes archaeological discoveries in both Old and New worlds.
Hairy Clues to the Iceman's Diet
The neolithic man discovered in an Italian glacier in 1991 carried a bow and arrows, leading archaeologists to label him a hunter. Chemical analysis of his hair now indicates that he was a vegetarian.
How Agriculture Came to Central Europe
Paper presented by Peter Bogucki at the annual meeting for the Society for American Archaeology, Minneapolis, May 1995.
Human Biology and the First Farmers of Western Eur
Mary Jackes, David Lubell and Christopher Meiklejohn discuss the effects of the transition to agriculture on human health.
Indo-Europeans in the Eastern Baltic in the View o
The prehistoric appearance of Indo-Europeans in the Eastern Baltic region is generally thought to be linked with the establishment of the first pre-Baltic and early Baltic territory.
Neolithic North Africa
An article describing the importance of North Africa as one of the main corridors of Neolithic diffusion into Europe.
Neolithic Studies Group
A loose-knit collectivity of archaeologists, mainly from Britain and the Atlantic seaboard countries of the European Union, with an interest in the Neolithic period.
Neolithic Turkey
An essay describing several prominent archaeological sites in Turkey.
Origins and Ancient History of Wines
A description of the Neolithic origins of wine.
Orkney Archaeology
A photographic library of artifacts from Neolithic sites recovered from a group of over 70 islands located north of Scotland.
Prehistoric cave of Foissac
Foissac prehistoric cave : two different worlds are waiting for you !
Study Suggests Neolithic Migration
Stanford researchers find that genetics can predict the presence of certain artifacts, supporting theories that prehistoric people migrated from the Middle East to Europe, reports Science Daily.
The Agricultural Revolution
A tutorial produced by the Learning Commons of Washington State University. The tutorial provides background information on the transition from hunting and gathering to food production.
The Agricultural Revolution
A brief summary from Idea Works of the factors involved in the spread of agriculture.
The Neolithic Age
A overview of archaeological sites in Asia Minor.
The Neolithic Cultures
An overview of the archaeological sequences of Thessaly, Crete, and the Cyclades.
The Neolithic Diaspora in Europe
An article that describes the migration and dispersal of farmers and the adoption of crops and livestock by indigenous foragers.
The Neolithic Mosaic on the North European Plain
This essay examines the issue of migration among Neolithic peoples and how this shaped cultural developments during this period in Europe.
The Origins of Agriculture
An annotated collection of links on the origin of food production.
The Origins of Agriculture as a Natural Experiment
An article by Peter J. Richerson, Robert Boyd, and Robert L. Bettinger that speculates on evolutionary factors driving the Neolithic Revolution.
The Slow Birth of Agriculture
An essay arguing that people began cultivating some crops long before they embraced agriculture, and that crop cultivation and village life often did not go hand in hand.
The Whittlesey People
Prehistoric farmers in what is now northeastern Ohio whose culture was the culmination of almost 12,000 years of prehistoric occupation.
Vucedol Culture
Vucedol culture flourished between 3000 and 2200 BC in what is now modern Croatia. Their copper metallurgy was based on a new process of mass casting. This culture had a great influence on other contemporary cultures in the European heritage. This web site claims they invented the first European calendar and presented it in their ceramics.
Why Only Some Became Farmers
Noel Broadbent, Goran Burenhult, and Moreau Maxwell discuss the sweeping changes associated with adoption of food production and offer an explanation why these events only took place independently in a few locations.