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At the Tomb of Tutankhamen, Digital Egypt for Universities, Gateway To Ancient Egypt, Gavin's Egyptomania Pages, Jennifer Hale's Egyptology Page, Kahun, Gurob, and Hawara, Pharaohs Fellahs and Explorers, Scholars, Scoundrels, and the Sphinx, The Tomb of Tutankhamon, Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation
Nefertiti, All about Mummies and Mummification, Buck Teeth Clue to Mystery of a Royal Mummy's, Cat Mummies, Discovery of the Valley of the Mummies, Egyptian Mummies, Egyptian Mummies, Faces of Djed, Howstuffworks: How Mummies Work, MSNBC: Scans Resolve Mystery over King Tut?s Death, Mummy of Pharoah Ramesses I Leaves Carlos Museum f
News and Media
Egypt Antiquity News Service
American Research Center in Egypt, American Society of Papyrologists (ASP), Ancient Egypt and Middle East Society (AEMES), Ancient Egypt Research Associates, Ancient Egypt Studies Association, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Egypt Exploration Organization of Southern Califor, Egypt Exploration Society, Egyptian Cultural Heritage Organisation, Egyptian Study Society
Ancient Egypt Magazine, Annual Egyptological Bibliography, British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan , Bulletin of the American Research Center, Egyptian Culture Center, Waseda University, Goettinger Miszellen, Griffith Institute Publications, Kemet, KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt, Lingua Aegyptia - Journal of Egyptian Language Stu
Akhet - Egyptian Religion and Temple Life
Features detailed information on the history of religion, creation myths, gods and goddesses, temples, the king and the priesthood, festivals, and other aspects Ancient Egyptian religion; also includes articles about queens and ordinary women and their daily lives.
Ancient Egyptian Gardens
Ostracon 11(1). Ancient Egyptian gardens and their requirements are a complex subject.
Ancient Egyptian Priest Settlement Uncovered
From Discovery News, 2,000-year-old priest settlement in southern Egypt has been discovered by Egyptian and German archaeologists.
Aspects of Life in Ancient Egypt
Descriptions of daily life, material culture, social and political institutions, economy and geography of pharaonic Egypt
Building a Database of Ancient Egypt
Article by Emad Asfour proposes standards for electronically recording, storing, and managing data from ancient Egyptian objects. Includes author's profile, animation files, and photos.
Date converter for Ancient Egypt
A scientific tool for converting calendar dates mentioned in Greek and Demotic Papyri from Egypt into Julian dates.
Dig Days: Hidden treasures on view
From Al-Ahram Weekly, can you imagine that an Ancient Egyptian physician once fitted a patient with a prosthetic toe?
Early Dynastic Egypt
Francesco Raffaele presents an illustrated history of the second and third dynasties, king by king, with references. Also corpora of First Dynasty labels and Early Dynastic inscriptions, and articles.
Egypt's Treasures in Danger
Egypt calls for urgent action to save the monuments of the Nile Delta.
Egyptian Royal Tombs of the New Kingdom
Maps, diagrams, and detailed information about the Egyptian Royal Tombs from Kelley L. Ross.
Egyptology in Australia
Resources, collections, university programs, and fieldwork.
Egyptology in Poland
A portal for Polish Egyptology, includes a history, suggested readings, museums, links, and gallery.
Egyptology Resources
Internet resources, including mailing lists, news and gossip, contact information for institutes and individuals, journals and links from Nigel Strudwick.
Elkab's Hidden Treasure
From Al-Ahram, a 17th dynasty inscription found three months ago in Upper Egypt uncovered a critical and previously unknown Kushite attack on Egypt.
Encounters with Ancient Egypt
Conference at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 15-18 December 2000. Includes abstracts of papers.
Famous Lives
From Al-Ahram Weekly, Saqqara tomb of a scribe in Akhenaten's reign and a colossal statue of one of Ramses II's wives at Zagazig have shed more light on two famous Pharaohs.
Few Had Wealth in Ancient Egypt
From Nature, Most ancient Egyptians were on the poverty line while a handful of priest-kings held fabulous wealth.
Fruitful Seasons
From Al-Ahram Weekly, excavations at Karnak Temple complex have been focusing on areas hitherto little explored, with rewarding results.
Further Observations Concerning the Valley of the
Article by Donald P. Ryan.
Gateway to Uruguayan Egyptology
Provides links to Web pages about ancient Egypt. [English and Spanish]
Giza On Line
Articles about stone technology, the Sphinx and temples.
Golden Hopes from Pharaoh's Map
BBC reports that geologists and engineers in Egypt are searching for gold using a 3,000-year-old map, believed to have been drawn by King Seti I.
Hopkins in Egypt Today
Records day-by-day activities of the Johns Hopkins University Expedition archaeological team in Egypt. Features details of the excavations with photos.
King Tut Liked Red Wine
Report about how Spanish scientists analyzed residues from a wine jar found in the tomb of this early ruler by using a new technique to determine the color of wine used in ancient jars. From the American Chemical Society.
Life in Ancient Egypt
Examination of everyday life in ancient Egypt through artifacts on display at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History.
New Egyptian King Discovered
Rossella Lorenzi reports for Discovery News that a high-ranking priest served the Nubian dynasty as a king, and his tomb reveals the trappings of power.
Ptahhotep's Australian Egyptology Page
Egyptology contributions by Australia: excavations, coptology, and museum collections.
Reconstructing Ancient Egyptian Tombs
Features a brief history of ancient Egyptian tombs and monuments, with digital reconstruction of the tombs of Sennedjem and Inherkhau.
The Leiden Excavations in the New Kingdom necropolis at Saqqara, Egypt.
Secrets of the Pharaohs
PBS companion to the TV series focusing on new findings: genetic disease in the 18th dynasty; the tombs of the pyramid builders; mummy of a noblewoman and chantress from Luxor named Asru.
Some Observations Concerning Uninscribed Tombs in
Scholarly article by Donald P. Ryan, from C.N. Reeves (ed.), After Tutankhamun: Research and Excavation in the Royal Necropolis at Thebes (1992).
Swiss Judiciary Considers Egyptian Request to Retu
Story from Egyptian State Information Service about Egyptian antiquities that were smuggled into Switzerland.
Tableau May be Oldest Text
An article in the San Francisco Chronicle reporting that 5,250-year-old symbols unearthed near Luxor may predate Sumerian script.
Tel er-Rub'a
Large tel complex located about 100 km northeast of Cairo in the eastern Nile Delta.
The Ancient Egypt Film Site
Information on past and present films dealing with Ancient Egypt or Egyptology.
The Ancient Egypt Site
The history, language and culture of Ancient Egypt, by Egyptologist Jacques Kinnaer.
The battle for the Rosetta Stone
From The Independent, Egypt's leading archaeologist has demanded the return of the Rosetta Stone.
The Centre for Computer-Aided Egyptological Resear
At Utrecht University in The Netherlands offers computer resources and online lists and databases including complete Hieroglyphica, listing of Egyptologists and Institutions.
The Egypt Archive
Features photo archives of major Ancient Egyptian sites, and Ancient Egyptian antiquities collections in major museums.
The Egyptologist's Electronic Forum
This mailing list has available online various archives, news items and Egyptology FAQs, as well as a comprehensive list of upcoming events in Egyptology.
The Global Egyptian Museum
Includes 6,600 objects from 10 European collections, with extensive documentation and color photography.
The Land of the Pharaoh
Short essays on the period of 3000 years ancient Egypt.
The Shaft, the Subway and the Causeway
Nigel Skinner-Simpson tries to track down the evidence behind stories of tunnels in the Giza plateau.
The Sounds of Ancient Egypt
Musicians believe music will help us understand ancient Egypt's spoken language.
Travellers in Egypt
Articles and journals feature the history of ancient travellers in Egypt and Near East.
Wilbour Library of Egyptology
Collection of Egyptological works held at The Brooklyn Museum of Art.
Wonders of Ancient Egypt
Features the wonders, mysteries, religion and history of ancient and modern Egypt. With details and resources on related topics.