Anglo-American Project in Pompeii
Early occupation and change through history of Pompeii.
Mugello Valley Archaeological Project: Poggio Coll
Seasons in Etruscan archaeology run by the Southern Methodist University and University of Pennsylvania Museum.
NIU Archaeological Field School in Sicily
19 May to 13 July 2003. The primary goal of this program is to teach practical archaeological skills in a research environment.
Pompeii Archaeological Research Project: Porta Sta
New archaeological excavation and field school at Pompeii. This project is excavating the shops, workshops and houses at VIII.7.1-15, at the Roman city.
Pompeii Food and Drink Project
Volunteer fieldwork opportunity to research food and drink structures in Pompeii, June July, 2005.
The Falerii Novi Project
Archaeological Field School, in Italy From Aug.2-Aug. 30 2004. The Falerii Novi project is an intensive, multidisciplinary study of Roman culture in the vicinity of the small town of Falerii Novi, located 50km north of Rome and dating to the 3rd C BCE.
Valcamonica Archaeological Rock Art Field School
July 23 to August 6 2003. Archaeological Cooperative Society.