Aquascams Lawsuit
Aquascams, Cluster Quackery, CLUSTERED WATER--- OR, IS IT SNAKE OIL?,, North Texas Skeptics, Response to Cellcore
Cold Reading
Cold Reading: The Tricks of the Psychics, Guide to "Cold Reading", Insolitology: So, You Wanna Be a Psychic?, JREF: The Art of Cold Reading, Skeptic's Dictionary: Cold Reading
Critical Thinking, A Thinking World, An Experiment in Group Learning Technology, Are You Being Brainwashed and Manipulated?, Association for Informal Logic and Critical Thinki, Critical Thinking across the Curriculum Project, Critical Thinking Books and Software, Critical Thinking Lab, Critical Thinking Study Topics, Fallacies
Lunar Landing, 1938 War of the Worlds Broadcast, April Fools' Special: History's Hoaxes, Art and UFO, Bibliography of Hoaxes, Camel Spiders Myth, Cassiopaea, Cliff Pickover's Internet Encyclopedia of Hoa, Cottingley Fairies Hoax, CSICOP:Strange Hoaxes That Endure, History Buff : "Hoaxes in Journalism" Ar
Annapolis Valley Skeptic, Australian Skeptics Home Page, Blather, British Columbia Society for Skeptical Enquiry, CICAP, Gary P. Posner, M.D., International Network of Skeptical Organizations, National Capital Area Skeptics, New Zealand Skeptics, North Texas Skeptics
Shroud of Turin
CSICOP - Shroud of Turin, Dr. Frederick Zugibe Forensic Medicine, Crucifixio, Shroud of Turin, Shroud of Turin Research, The Shroud of Turin
A Skeptical Manifesto
1992 article by Michael Shermer defines and discusses skepticism.
Astronomical Pseudo-science: A Skeptic's Reso
A bibliography from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, for those who want to examine with a skeptical eye some of the claims at the fringes of science that seem connected to astronomy.
Bad Science
About well understood phenomena which are persistently presented incorrectly by teachers and writers.
Bad Thinking
A site devoted to reason, critical thinking, scepticism, and freethought.
Dedicated to the advancement of critical thinking, reason, intelligence, freedom of inquiry, philosophy and the scientific method. Forums include chats with the authors.
Carl Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit
Tools for testing arguments and detecting fallacious or fraudulent arguments, based on Sagan's book "The Demon Haunted World: Science as a candle in the dark."
Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Clai
World-wide organization that encourages the critical investigation of paranormal and fringe-science claims from a responsible, scientific point of view.
Crank Dot Net
Skeptic provides categorized directory, both alphabetical and hierarchical, to a variety of kooks, cranks, loons, and crackpots on the net.
Criticism of Scientific Skepticism
Criticizes self-identified "skeptics," saying that their "skepticism" translates into scorn and condescension toward people and data that contradict current scientific beliefs. Gives examples of the excesses of skeptics.
Danny's Skeptic Resources List
Features list and highlights of skeptical information available on the web.
Eric's Skeptic Page
A skeptical look at all sorts of sciences and pseudosciences.
Fortean Times
The Journal of Strange Phenomenae. Online version of the print magazine.
Free Inquiry
Argues for free inquiry and thought; the philosophies of naturalism, empiricism, rationalism, and skepticism.
In Pursuit of Reality
A skeptical look at auras, Kirlian photography, reincarnation, spiritualism, astral projection, and astrology.
Keep It Real Science Forum
A place to discuss and debate new developments in the sciences, explored from a Realist perspective.
Massimo's Skeptic and Humanist Web
Links to sites addressing skepticism and secular humanism.
Nova: Kidnapped by UFOs?
Companion site for TV program in which believers and skeptics, including Carl Sagan, explore case histories of alien abductions.
Number Watch
Monitors the media in search of misleading numbers in news, politics and science. - Odds Are Stacked When Science Tries
Essay. Having a debate inevitably suggests that each side has some credibility. As a result, opponents of the scientific method try very hard to appear in debates with scientists. [Requires free registration to view]
Practical Skepticism
A how-to guide for examining claims and debunking myths, math abuse, and misleading arguments.
Psychologists Educating Students to Think Skeptica
PESTS is a meeting place for educators (specifically psychologists, although anyone is welcome) to discuss issues involving skeptical thinking and ways to introduce and teach skeptical thinking in the classroom.
Rational Skeptics Page
Rather odd collection of skepticism-related rants
Reality Matters
Debunks religion, the origin of God, the Bible, near death experiences and paranormal contacts with spirits.
sci.skeptic FAQ
Frequently asked questions about the sci.skeptic newsgroup.
Netherlands foundation for information on social problems and occult tendencies.
Skeptic Friends Network
Examines a variety of claims with emphasis on debunking "creation science."
Skeptic Report
E-zine featuring writings on skeptical inquiry and critical thinking. Also lists related books and provides links to numerous websites on topics including skepticism, alternative science, creationism, and health fraud.
Skeptic's Digest
Here you can access the best skeptical articles on the Web about the occult, paranormal, pseudoscience and other weird things
Skeptical Information Links
Links to materials for skeptics, and about skepticism.
Skeptical Investigations
Criticism of skepticism, including information about fraud in mainstream science and questioning of the methods and motives of skeptics.
Skeptical Pages by Tommy Persson
Links to newsletters, organizations, and websites.
Skeptical References
A bibliography of materials for skeptics.
Skepticism at Suite101
Monthly, wide-ranging articles and discussions on skepticism. Links to a wide variety of sites skeptical from scientific, philosophical, political, medical, nutrition, and other viewpoints.
Skeptics Tricks
Describes how to make UFO photos with fishing line or Photoshop. Also contains skeptical articles and links.
Skeptix Mailing List
Scientific discussion of extraordinary phenomana. Archives and subscription information.
The Crackpot Page
"Dedicated to all the Flat Earthers, Circle Squarers, Angle Trisecters, Cube Halvers, Perpetual Motion Mechanics, UFO and Elvis sighters, and all the other true believers who adamantly refuse to accept mathematical or physical proof that their convictions are untenable."
The Daily Skeptic
Online newsletter, devoted to skeptical inquiry.
The James Randi Educational Foundation
Foundation headed by professional magician exposes psychics, faith healers, and such. Offers $1.1 million to anyone who can actually demonstrate something supernatural.
The Left Hemisphere
Skepticism, religion, and secularism on the WWW.
The Nasty Side of Organ Transplanting
The secrets of organ harvesting and transplanting known only to the professionals in the business.
The Secular Web
Agnosticism, atheism, freethought, humanism, and rationalism on the Web
The Skeptic Magazine
United Kingdom publication, taking a skeptical look at pseudoscience and claims of the paranormal.
The Skeptic Tank
The Skeptic Tank is a BBS which maintains extensive archives on scientifically questionable groups, individuals, and ideologies. Message board and articles.
The Skeptic's Bunker
A personal page, intended to advance logic and rational thought over blind faith.
The Skeptic's Dictionary
Skeptical definitions and essays on occult, paranormal, pseudoscientific ideas and practices with references to skeptical literature.
The Skeptic's Refuge
Gateway to The Skeptic's Dictionary with skeptical articles on the occult, the supernatural, the paranormal and the pseudoscientific.
The Skeptics Society
The Skeptics Society is a scientific and educational organization of scholars, scientists, historians, magicians, professors and teachers, and anyone curious about controversial ideas, extraordinary claims, revolutionary ideas and the promotion of science.
The Surfing Skeptic
Skeptical quotes, debating techniques, secret societies.
The View from Number 80
80 lists sites pertaining to, amongst other things, pseudoscience, flim-flam or irrational claims and tries to give them critical attention and, in many cases, a certain amount of ridicule.
Tony Youens
Skeptic articles, information, books from Tony Youens - parapsychology investigations.
Experts test claims on subjects including dinosaurs, creation/evolution, and cryptozoology.
What is pseudoscience?
How it differs from science, how to spot it. Junk science, pathological science, quackery and pseudoscientific scams.
X-Project Paranormal Magazine
Web e-zine featuring a series of skeptical articles.
Zetetics Laboratory
Laboratory at the University of Nice where paranormal phenomena are studied.