Advice About a Career In Forensic Science
Guidance notes for potential forensic scientists, medical examiners or crime scene technicians from Florida State University.
American Forensic Nurses Inc.
Offers an online forensic nursing certificate program as well as publications and other forensics information. Based in Palm Springs, California.
CCI Courses
Biology, chemistry, toxicology, crime scene, firearms, impression evidence, microscopy and trace programs at The California Criminalistics Institute, Sacramento, CA.
Crime Scene Investigation
Crime scene investigation resources, training, articles and related links in the United States.
Department of Forensic Sciences
Faculty overview, including photographs of equipments and facilities, curriculum, staff contacts, FAQ, admission details for Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, GWU, Washington DC.
Education in Forensic Science
Training guidance before you take the plunge into qualifying for a career in forensics from two forensic DNA consultant's who teach at UC, Berkley, CA.
Forensic Science and Drug Monitoring
Syllabus of the University of London's one year full-time MSc at Kings College, Westminster, UK.
Forensic Science Technology
Program is designed to provide credentialed accountants with both the skills required for financial investigation and litigation consulting, at British Columbia Institute of Technology, Burnaby, Canada.
Graduate Program in Forensic Sciences
Master of Forensic Sciences Administration program for management of forensic-related organizations, and M.S. program for research in a particular discipline held by Forensic Sciences Department, OSU Center for Health Sciences, Tulsa, OK.
Imprimus Forensic Services
Forensic consulting services for civil cases and customized police training in crime scene investigations, biological evidence, forensic photography and footwear and tire track evidence at Arlington Heights, IL.
Interactive File On Criminalistics
Interactive Flash presentation exploring clues and tests, as a companion to the "Autopsy of a Murder" exhibition, presented by the Montreal Science Centre.
Marshall University Forensic Science Center
Offers masters degree, outreach and research, with emphasis in DNA technologies and toxicology. The resources are also used as an accredited parental testing service in Huntington , West Virginia.
National Center for Forensic Science
Offers education and training in physical, digital and biological evidence, research projects aiming to meet the current and future needs of the forensic science and law for the NIJ at University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.
National Crime Investigation & Training
Training in physical evidence collection, preservation, interpretation, and crime investigation at Redding, CA.
National Training Centre
Primarily for scientific support to UK police officers. Recently relocated from the city to Harperley Hall, County Durham, UK.
Postgraduate Diploma in Forensic Science
Information and application as PDF download from La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia.
Virginia Institute of Forensic Science and Forensi
Non-profit organization offering training programs, including pathology, trace evidence, latent prints and controlled substances, for professionals dealing with crime or death scene investigation. Articles, glossary, bulletin board for alumni, and calendar for courses in Richmond.