Aberdeen, University of
Centre for Philosophy, Technology and Society.
Americas Center on Science and Society (ACSS)
at City University of NY (CUNY) - research on the integration of the natural and human sciences in public policy.
Amsterdam, University of
Department of Science and Technologies Dynamics.
Belfast, Queens University & Dublin City Unive
Science Communication.
California Institute of Technology
Science, Ethics and Society.
Claremont Colleges
Science, Technology and Society program.
COSTS - Brown University
Faculty Committee on Science and Technology Studies
ESST Network
European Society, Science and Technology - 16 university programs in science and society issues.
European Association for the Study of Science and
An interdisciplinary scholarly society, addressing the history, philosophy, psychology and sociology of science.
George Washington University
Center for International Science and Technology Policy.
Georgia Tech - Research Value Mapping Program
Evaluation of value returned from government-sponsored research projects, programs and institutions.
Group for Scientific Activity Studies
Site of the Group for Scientific Activity Studies, at the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC)
Guide to Graduate Education in Science, Engineerin
Advice for prospective students and links to university programs, from the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Indiana University
A program in Social Informatics, focusing on the body of research and study that examines social aspects of computerization.
Interactive Teaching Resources
An index to online courses and syllabi from US universities and colleges.
Iowa State University
Study in the History of Technology and Science.
Keele University
Centre for Social Theory and Technology. Contains articles on the social theory of technology (use the STOT link in the 'Short Cuts' menu at the bottom).
Keystone Center, Colorado
Science and Public Policy Program and Science School.
Lancaster University
Department of Sociology; Centre for Science Studies.
M.Fatih Tasar: Gazi University
Journal and conference papers in science education and science studies.
Manchester, University of
Policy Research in Engineering, Science and Technology.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Program in Science, Technology and Society.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Technology and Policy Program. Masters and doctorate programs.
National Institute of Science, Technology and Deve
A science policy Institute of the CSIR, Government of India. Projects and research efforts, articles, news and publicity, lectures, faculty, and facility details.
National Research Programme on Learning
This site presents the high level national research programme on learning in Finland with 21 multidisciplinary projects, including information on an extensive science policy library.
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Undergraduate program in Science, Technology and Society.
New South Wales, University of
School of Science and Technology Studies.
North Carolina State University
Information about the program on Science, Technology and Society with information, resources and links.
Notre Dame, University of
Homepage for a Fall 1999 course "Chemistry and Public Policy" on the intersection of science and public policy.
Notre Dame, University of
Reilly Center for Science, Technology and Values.
Observatoire des sciences et des technologies
The OST is for the study of science, technology and innovation (STI)
Orange County Science, Technology and Society Netw
Program in connection with University of California-Irvine, aimed at incorporating science and technology issues material into middle and high school curricula.
Penn State University
The university's department on Science, Technology and Society.
Pennsylvania, University of
Description of graduate and undergraduate programs in History and Sociology of Science, faculty list, course list, contact information.
Princeton University Program in Science, Technolog
Course descriptions, faculty profiles, related conferences, and other information.
Santa Clara University
- Center for Science Technology and Society. Silicon Valley focus - impact of information technologies, primarily.
Science and Society
Undergraduate course syllabus and information from Hong Kong University. Science and Society is split into two parts: the Evolution of Science and Human Culture and the Interaction of Science and Modern Society.
SPRITTE: Spanish Policy Research on Innovation &am
A research program to increase knowledge in the study of science, technology, innovation, training and education systems, and the strategies of the actors within them. Group members, and ongoing and completed projects.
State University of New York Institute of Technolo
Science, Technology and Society department.
United Nations University Institute for New Techno
Conducting policy oriented research on the economic and social impacts of new technologies in the international economy, and especially in relation to developing countries.
University College London
Undergraduate and graduate programs, course and admission information.
University of Edinburgh
Socio-economic research for the Department of Sociology.
University of Oklahoma Science and Public Policy P
Interdisciplinary academic research unit. Information about faculty, research programs, and coursework offered.
University of Pennsylvania: History & Sociolog
Focus on the social and humanistic aspects of science and the professions - influence of economic and political factors on research and the application of knowledge, and problems of science and technology management and public policy.
Vassar College
Science Technology and Society course list, related links, contact information.