Academic Departments
Aberdeen, University of, Americas Center on Science and Society (ACSS), Amsterdam, University of, Belfast, Queens University & Dublin City Unive, British Columbia, University of, California Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon University, Claremont Colleges, Colby College, Cornell University
Chats and Forums
Nic's Corner: From the Stars to the Mind, Sci-Tech : the science and technology site, Science-as-Culture, The Edge - The Third Culture, ZENSCI - Making sense of science
Forensic Science
Associations, DNA, Document Examination, Education, Fingerprints, Firearms, Forensic Photography, Medical, Products and Services, Publications
Research Ethics
Guidelines and Codes, Publications, Academe - Scientific Misconduct, Academe - Dishonesty in the Academy, Biology Lesson Plans to Teach Research Ethics, Bioterrorism, Informed Consent and Scientific Meth, Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility, De, Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), ETHEX, IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology , Integrity in Science, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's ELSI
Science and Religion
Christianity and Science, Evolution, AAAS Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion, Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Centre for Religion and the Biosciences, Centre for Science and Religion, Centre for Theology, Science and Culture, Conflicts Between Science and Religion, Counterbalance Foundation, Danish Science-Theology Forum,, Einstein on Science and Religion
Science and Technology Policy
AAAS Directorate for Science and Policy Programs, AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellowships, ACM Public Policy Office, Al Teich's Technology & the Future Toolki, American Geophysical Union: Science and Policy, Association for Politics and the Life Sciences, Board on Science, Technology and Economic Policy, , Bringing science back to life, Center for Advanced Studies in Science and Technol, Center for Science, Policy, and Outcomes
Skeptical Inquiry
Aquascams Lawsuit, Cold Reading, Critical Thinking, Hoaxes, Organizations, Shroud of Turin, #Skeptic IRC, A Skeptical Manifesto, Astronomical Pseudo-science: A Skeptic's Reso, Bad Science, Bad Thinking, BookTalk, Carl Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit, Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Clai, Crank Dot Net, Criticism of Scientific Skepticism
The Science Wars
Alan Sokal on the "Social Text Affair", Debunking the Conventional Wisdom About the Scienc, What the Social Text Affair Does and Does Not Prov
AIP Physics Success Stories
Highlights the important links between federal funding for basic and applied research and development and their economic benefits to society.
American Physical Society Statements
on ethics and values, education, human rights, and national policy, from a physics perspective.
Bayer - Science For A Better Life
Promotional stories about the results of science improving the lives of people and animals through health care, nutrition and high-tech materials.
Belgian Biosafety Server
Focusing on scientific and regulatory aspects of biosafety, with regard to human activities carried out using pathogenic or genetically-modified organisms.
Website for European Union socio-economic research in the life sciences. Information and research areas, databases, and general aims, as well as discussion forum, networks, and related links.
Council for the Advancement of a New Human Ethic Life Paradigm. Aims to restructure a new view of the world that values life more than matter. Includes a comparison between the new view and the traditional one. Also, has link to their interdisciplinary college.
Center for the Study of Technology and Society
A nonprofit research and educational organization which considers the social effects of technological change. Scientists Popularizing Science
Collection of articles covering science, technology, and society. Includes stories on evolution, industrial chemicals, energy, and materials.
Elitism vs. Checks and Balances in Communicating
Paper by Arthur Kantrowitz proposing a method for communicating what science knows and doesn't know when facts are needed for public policy decision.
EMBL Science and Society
Science and Society activities and events at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany
Forum on Physics and Society
Division of the American Physical Society for discussion of science and society issues.
Hongladarom, Soraj
Assistant professor of Philosophy at Chulalongkorn University, specialising in problems arising from the interplay between modern science and Thai culture. Biography and academic papers.
Houston Science Café
public debates on scientific topics that have important societal, political, and business ramifications.
Hybrid Vigor Institute
Educational organization created to facilitate the exchange and cultivation of interest in interdisciplinary science research. Publications and details of forthcoming conferences.
IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology
Addressing such issues as environmental, health and safety implications of technology, engineering ethics and professional responsibility.
Institute of Science in Society
Membership organization in the UK, offering news articles, mailing lists, and membership information.
International Society for the Systems Sciences
Professional society for those interested in understanding and interacting systemically with reality. Emphasizing system-level approaches to evolution of and applications of science in society.
Irish Science Centres Association
ISCAN fosters and promotes the public understanding of science and technology in Ireland.
Man Transformed
French museum exhibit showing how technology can modify our conception of humanity.
National Conference of Lawyers and Scientists
Addressing matters including scientific fraud, reliability scientific and technical information available to the federal courts, legal, ethical, and technological aspects of computer networks and genetic testing, and intellectual property issues associated with electronic publishing.
Negrotti, Massimo
Director of the Lab for the Culture of the Artificial, University of Urbino, Italy. Page includes books, research interests, music and photos.
UK-wide campaign funded by EPSRC to raise awareness of science and engineering among young people.
Panel on Public Affairs of the American Physical S
in-depth studies on topics ranging from energy and environment to national security issues.
Physics and Society
Quarterly newsletter; articles on nuclear proliferation, nuclear power and energy policy.
Politics & Science
Report by the minority staff of the Government Reform Committee assessing the treatment of science and scientists by the Bush Administration.
Preeminent Scientists Protest Bush Administration&
Report from Union of Concerned Scientists, with endorsements.
Resources on risk assessment and risk management in medicine, environment, and society at large.
- Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society (Japan)
Science and Institutions
Articles by Luis Gonzalez-Mestres, including topics of science ethics and other social aspects.
Science For People
Essays, reviews, and other opinion pieces presenting scientific and science policy topics without the jargon.
Scientific Freedom, Responsibility and Law Program
A project to examine intellectual property issues associated with electronic publishing in science.
Society for Evolutionary Analysis in Law
Scholarly association fostering interdisciplinary exploration of issues at the intersection of law, biology, and evolutionary theory. Features conference details, notices, other organization information, and links.
Summer School at Institute of Communication, Lund
June 5-18, 2004 - Sciences and Humanities in a Changing world. The school is based on three two-week courses by distinguished scholars.
TechNet: The Technology Network of the World Bank
Designed to encourage understanding of, and promote the use of science, technology and information in development.
Technology and Culture
A scholarly journal dedicated to the historical study of technology in its relationships with society and culture.
The Canadian Science and Innovation Indicators Con
Researches bibliometrics and other quantitative measures of scientific work for use in public and private decision making.
The Engines of Our Ingenuity
Transcripts of a radio program exploring technology and culture.
The Masters of History
A book about the impact of science and engineering on society.
The New Atlantis: A Journal of Technology and Soci
A quarterly journal devoted to science and technology issues and their relation to social and political affairs
The Robertson Center for Science and Public Policy
A public charity founded by scientists committed to the advancement of policies and practices that aid in the elimination of poverty and improving public health.
The Society for Social Studies of Science (4S)
A scholarly association devoted to studying science, technology and society.
Virtual Society?
Introduction to the Virtual Society? Programme: the social science of electronic technologies.
Voice of the Shuttle (VOS)
An annotated guide to online resources that respects the established humanities disciplines in their professional organization and points toward the transformation of those disciplines as they interact with the sciences and social sciences.
W3C Technology & Society Domain
Concentrating on issues that arise from applications of Web technology, and devoting significant resources to international public policy issues.
WACRA Europe
World Association for Case Method Research and Case Method Application, Europe - Advancing the philosophy that complex economic and social problems, whether acute or chronic, cannot be solved by academic research bounded by the conventional constraints of strict rationality.
World Conference on Science
Final reports from the international conference, addressing many aspects of the place of science in society, including ethics, science and technology in economic development, and environmental and economic issues.
Worldwide Virtual Network of Young Practitioners W
Aims to enhance the communication, discussion and collaboration between researchers and other groups of practitioners (e.g. NGOs, policy makers, media, etc.) in Science and Society.