english deutsch
AKT Eprints Archive
Electronic archive of the Advanced Knowledge Technology Project. Downloadable papers in knowledge management.
ANU Library Eprints
Browsable electronic pre- and post-print repository of the Australian National University.
French digital archive providing free access to full-text papers in the domain of information and communication science [bilingual site in english/french].
Arquivos Abertos da Sociedade Brasileira de Genéti
(IBICT) Electronic archives of the Brazilian Society for Genetics. Interface in brazilian, papers downloadable in brazilian/english.
An Open Archives Initiative (OAI) compliant archive of electronic preprints in physics, mathematics, computer science, and non-linear sciences. Created by Paul Ginsparg in 1991, it is one of the oldest archives of free online scholarship.
Caltech Computer Science Technical Reports
Electronic archive of freely downloadable full-text technical reports in PDF format.
Caltech Earthquake Engineering Research Laboratory
Archive of freely downloadable technical reports from several labs in the domain of earth sciences at CalTech.
Caltech Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Searchable and browsable repository of theses and dissertations from Caltech.
Caltech Library System Papers and Publications
Eprint repository of academic papers in the field of library and information science.
CCSD: Hyper Article Online
An interface for submitting scientific papers to the article database of the french Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe. Papers in mathematics, physics, information science are instantly and automatically directed to "arXiv" [bilingual site in english/french].
CCSD: Thèses-en-Ligne
Eprint repository of french theses in various scientific domains [bilingual site in french/english].
Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathemati
(CECM) Preprint service of the institute, provides access to full-text papers starting from 1993.
Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of
Preprints by members and visiting researchers of the CLE, a research institute at the University of Campinas, Brazil.
CERN Document Server
Articles and preprints collection aiming to cover the published and pre-published literature in particle physics and its related technologies. The collection contains about 400,000 documents, many of which in full-text access.
Autonomously creates citation indexes of scientific literature. Generates citation statistics and allows easy browsing of the context of citations. Texts freely available in PDF, PS, HTML format..
Makes preprints and reprints of papers in all areas of the cognitive sciences freely available on-line. Authors can deposit their work in the archive after a (free) registration.
Collection on Critical Global Issues
Full-text access to publications in the fields of agriculture and land management, development, environment and sustainability, food and nutrition, natural resource development, science and technology.
Computer Science Teaching Center
A digital archive of peer reviewed resources for teaching computer science. Submission restricted to registered users.
Computer Science Technical Reports
Free access to more than 45,000 technical reports in computer science extracted from nearly 300 sites around the world.
Cryptology Eprint Archive
Provides access to author-submitted research papers in cryptology.
Department of Energy Information Bridge
Full-text research and development reports in physics, chemistry, materials, biology, environmental sciences, energy technologies, engineering, computer and information science, renewable energy, and other topics.
Digital Library and Archives - Virginia Tech
Open Archive Initiative (OAI) compliant digital repository. E-journals, electronic theses and dissertations, faculty archives.
Digital Library of Information Science and Technol
(DLIST) Developed by the School of Information Resources and Library Science and the Arizona Health Sciences Library at the University of Arizona using Open Archives Initiative (OAI) compliant Eprints v.2 software.
Document and Publication Server of the Humboldt Un
(EDOC) Provides free access to publications, theses and dissertations, electronic e-print journals [site in english/german].
Documents in Information Science
(DoIS) - Database of articles and conference proceedings published in electronic format in the field of library and Information science.
Autonomously creates citation indexes of electronic commerce literature. It generates citation statistics and allows easy browsing of the context of citations. Indexed documents include full-text in PDF and PS format.
Electronic Publications of the WU-Wien
Electronic archive providing full-text access to working papers and dissertations of the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration.
Elektronische Bibliothek der Staats- und Universi
Digital archive providing full-text access to papers, theses and dissertations in PDF format.
EPrints in Library and Information Science
E-LIS is an open access archive to deposit preprints, postprints and other documents in the field of library and information science in electronic format.
European Patent Office
Full text of patents issued by the European Patent Organisation (EPO), France, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, and The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). The available patent data go back, in some cases, as far as the year 1900.
Fourth International Symposium on Cavitation
(CAV 2001) Proceedings of the symposium, downloadable from this electronic repository hosted by the Caltech Library System.
Free Full-Text Science Archives
A directory with annotated links to institutional full-text scientific archives.
History and Theory of Psychology Prints
(HTP) Gives access to full-text of refereed papers. Registered users may also deposit appropriate material.
An electronic archive for papers produced by members of the Hofstra University Community. It includes papers written by faculty and administrators, papers delivered at Hofstra University sponsored conferences as well as invited lectures.
Institut Nicod Eprints Archive
Online research papers in philosophy, sociology and cognitive science of the Jean Nicod Institute's members.
IOWA University - Computer Science Technical Repor
Digital repository of full-text technical reports downloadable in multiple formats.
Medical and Health Library
Hosts full-text publications in the fields of clinical treatment, emergencies, essential drugs, family planning, food and nutrition, health education, HIV/AIDS, medical equipment, prevention, public health, sanitation.
NASA Astrophysic Data System
Free online abstracts and full-text papers in astronomy, astrophysics, planetary sciences, and solar physics.
National Environmental Publications Information Sy
(NEPIS) Full text of over 7,000 reports and other documents covering many environmental topics including solid waste disposal, water quality, and pesticide usage and disposal.
Nottingham Eprints
An experimental project to investigate the institutional use of eprints services at the University of Nottingham. Browsable and searchable digital archives of several research units and departments.
NUI Maynooth Eprint Archive
The National University of Ireland Maynooth's pilot electronic print project is intended to act as a central repository for the research output of NUI Maynooth academic staff and departments.
Gives access to a large number of eprints archives and electronic resources and through the OAI harvesting protocol reveals digital resources previously "hidden" from users behind web scripts.
Organic Eprints
Open access archive for papers related to research in organic agriculture.
Philsci Archive
An electronic archive for preprints in the philosophy of science.
Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science
(RIACS) Free access to full-text technical reports in PDF format, covering topics such as automated reasoning for autonomous systems, high performance computing and networking, human-centered computing.
Sissa Multimedia Database
Eprints archive of the International School for Advanced Studies. Online papers in physical sciences and mathematics.
Southampton CiteBase Services
Eprints service provider hosting digital archives of the University of Southampton.
The Computation and Language Eprint Archive
An electronic repository of full-text papers in computational linguistics, natural language processing, speech processing.
The Digital Library of the Commons
Gateway to the international literature on the commons, this working paper archive provides access to author-submitted papers, as well as full-text conference papers, dissertations, working pre-prints and reports.
Università degli Studi di Firenze
Institutional eprints archive hosted by the library services of the University of Florence.
University of California
Service provider hosting electronic archives for research units and departments at the University of California.
University of Trento Eprints archive
A digital repository (OAI compliant) of full-text scientific publications produced by professors and researchers of the University of Trento, Italy.
Uppsala University Publications
Full-text working papers and research reports in PDF format.
US Department of Energy - Energy, Science, and Tec
Searchable gateway to preprint servers that deal with scientific and technical disciplines such as physics, materials, chemistry, biology, environmental sciences, and nuclear medicine, related to the activity of the department.
Virginia Tech - Electronic Theses
Searchable and browsable digital archive of theses and dissertations.
World Environment Library
New Zealand Digital Library Project provides full text access to publications in the fields of agriculture, biodiversity, climate change, environmental impact assessment, energy, health, natural resources, policy, sustainable development, waste management and water.