english deutsch
Applied Rheology
International journal with special interest in experimental and computational aspects. Subscription or purchase individual articles.
Colloid and Polymer Science
The Springer Journal; contents and abstracts are open.
International Journal of Plasticity
Elsevier Science Journal, subscription, TOCs available online.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Relevant areas of chemistry, physics, engineering, biology, and applied mathematics
Journal of Rheology
Formerly: Transactions of The Society of Rheology. This is AIP subscription Journal, only tables of contents are available online.
Korea-Australia Rheology Journal
Open Journal in .pdf format
Materials Science & Technology Research Public
Electronic Publications; Page charge for authors and per downloaded article charge for readers.
New Materials International
Trade Journal - free online articles , supliers, news
Polymer Journal
Covers whole range of polymer science
Rheologica Acta
Subscription Journal by Springer. Content and Abstracts are open