Austrian Reports on Gravitation
'Austrian Reports on Gravitation' is a series of papers concerning topical problems on gravitation theory.
Classical and Quantum Gravity
A journal for physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists working in the fields of gravitation and the theory of spacetime. (via IOP Publishing: Electronic Journals)
Inertia Manipulation Through Metric Patching
Presents the exact solution for the stress-energy tensor of a spherical matter shell of finite thickness that will patch together different metrics at the boundaries of the shell.
Living Reviews in Relativity
A peer-refereed, solely online physics journal publishing invited reviews covering all areas of relativity research. Published by the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Potsdam, Germany.
qr-qc: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
Los Alamos E-Print Archive
Theoretical Physics
Presents and reviews Relativity Theory, Quantum Physics, and Cosmogical concepts.