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AIP Physics Today, American Institute of Physics (AIP) Journals, American Journal of Physics Editor's Web site, Annalen der Physik, Bulgarian Journal of Physics, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Celerity, Chemical Physics Letters, Computers in Physics, Egyptian Journal of Solids
AIP Physics News
Once a week the American Institute of Physics sums up the latest advances in physics, from cosmology to nanotubes. Browse past issues, search for particular topics, and sign up to receive the news via email.
AIP Physics News Update
Biweekly newsletter of new developments in physics for the general public.
APS E-print Server
Frozen - use arXiv for new submissions.
APS Research Journals
A large archive with plans to digitize Phys Rev from 1893. (Requires subscription)
Open e-print archive with over 100,000 articles in physics, 10,000 in mathematics, and 1,000 in computer science. (Formerly called xxx.)
Book Reviews by Danny Yee
A small but steadily growing collection of reviews of physics books.
Colutron Research
Text books on atmospheric electrostatics and cosmology are available for free download.
Computing in Science and Engineering
A joint publication of the IEEE Computer Society and the American Institute of Physics. It covers computational science and engineering research for a broad range of technical fields. Current and past issues are browsable and searchable.
Department Library of Applied Physics
The Applied Physics library holds a collection which provides support to research and instruction of the Department.
Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics (EJTP)
Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics
Elsevier Physics
A web database with more than 80 Elsevier science journals with peer reviewed articles on Astronomy & Astrophysics, Condensed Matter, Nuclear and High Energy Physics, Nonlinear, Statistical & Applied Physics, Optics, Radiation, Surfaces & Interfaces, Ultrasonics
FYI - American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Sc
Summarizes science policy developments in Washington, DC, affecting the physics and astronomy community. Summaries are approximately one page long and are issued two or more times every week. FYI subscriptions are free.
Hiram's Physics Page
Lists of journal publishers in physics.
Institute of Physics Publishing
Books on physics. Searchable catalogue, online ordering, author services.
Lasers, Optoelectronics, Optoelectronic materials,
A list of all of the important papers of Ph. Dr S.M. Kaczmarek on crystal growth, lasers and spectroscopy of optoelectronic materials.
Nature Physics Portal
Physics news and research papers, a showcase of science articles that Nature is publishing in, and about, physics. Astrophysics, and spectroscopy.
Physics World
Monthly magazine offers news, features and reviews. Full archives available.
Physlink - Physics and Astronomy Journals
Directory of physics and astronomy publications.
Samizdat Press
Free distribution of books, lecture notes and software.
Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing
Publishes referred articles on the development and applications of sampling and interpolation theory, wavelets, tomography,the Gibbs phenomenon. Comes out three times a year.
Scitation is the re-launch of the Online Journal Publishing Service (OJPS). Cookies required to use the site.
Stefan University Press
Titles in interdisciplinary physics. Contact information only.
The SPS Observer Online
The magazine of the Society of Physics Students. Articles, humor, and news about the SPS and its programs.