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32nd EPS Plasma Physics Conference, 2005
Official site of the 32nd EPS Plasma Physics Conference, July 2005
AVS Symposia and Conferences
List of conferences organized by the American Vacuum Society.
Complex Plasmas in the New Millennium
International Topical Conference on Plasma Physics. ITCPP 2003: 8-12 September 2003, Santorini, Greece.
Conferences on Atomic and Plasma Physics
List of conferences on atomic and plasma physics with the corresponding links.
Directory of Plasma Conferences
Comprehensive list of plasma science conferences.
Division of Plasma Physics
American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics. Site includes a list of upcoming DPP annual meetings as well as other useful information.
ICPIG Conference eindhoven 2005
ICPIG 2005, The 17th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
Meetings of the American Physical Society
Comprehensive list of APS meetings including unit meetings, meeting calendar, and BAPS program archives.
REC Plasma - Conferences on Plasma Physics
In Russian. List of upcoming Russian as well as international conferences and workshops on plasma physics.
Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference
Annual conference on controlled thermonuclear fusion research. Accommodations, registration, program.