American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physi, Canadian Association of Physicists Division of Pla, EURATOM, European Physical Society Division of Plasma Physi, IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society, Institute of Physics Plasma Physics Group, Israeli Plasma Science and Technology Association, Low Energy Ion Beam Facilities, Power Beam Society of India
Principles of Plasma Diagnostics, Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Proc, Principles of Plasma Spectroscopy, RF Plasma Heating in Toroidal Fusion Devices, Swallow Research Books
Commercial Software
CFD-ACE+, Gas Discharge Modeling, Integrated Engineering Software, Kinema Research & Software, OOPIC Pro, Plasma Module, The Siglo Series Software
A-Flame, AcXys Technologies, Applied Materials, Applied Plasma Technologies, Arcraft Plasma Equipment, Atmospheric Glow Technologies, Centricut, CEVP Ltd., Diener Electronic GmbH & Co., Digital Welding Systems, Inc.
32nd EPS Plasma Physics Conference, 2005, AVS Symposia and Conferences, Complex Plasmas in the New Millennium, Conferences on Atomic and Plasma Physics, Directory of Plasma Conferences, Division of Plasma Physics, ICPIG Conference eindhoven 2005, Meetings of the American Physical Society, REC Plasma - Conferences on Plasma Physics, Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference
Atomic Data for Astrophysics, Atomic Data for Fusion, Atomic Line List v2.01, Cross-Section Libraries, Databases for Atomic and Plasma Physics, FUSE Atomic Data Page, IAEA Nuclear Data Services, National Nuclear Data Center, NIST Atomic Spectroscopic Database, NIST Physical Reference Data
Interactive Plasma Physics Education Experience, Perspectives on Plasmas, Plasma Processing Seminar, Torchmate Plasma Cutter Information
Basic Plasma Science Facility (BPSF), Dusty Plasma Experiments, Magnetic Fusion Energy Experiments, MAGPIE Experiment, Maryland Centrifugal eXperiment (MCX), National Ignition Facility (NIF) Laser, Staged Z Pinch, The Low Energy Neutral Atom (LENA) Imager on the I, Toroidal Plasma Experiments, TRAP
Free Software
Cloudy and Associates, Photoionization Simulations, ES1, XES1, XEM1, SPAM, IBC, PDP1, PDC1, PDS1 and X, Free Software for Atomic and Plasma Physics, Hybrid Plasma Equipment Model, R.D.Cowan's RCN code
Atomic and Plasma Physics Research Group, Atomic, Molecular, Discharge and Plasma Physics Gr, Complex Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, Plasma and La, Elementary Processes in Gas Discharges (EPG), Equilibrium and Transport in Plasmas (ETP), TU-Ein, General Atomics Fusion Group, High-Field Science Group, University of Michigan, Imperial College Plasma Physics Group, Industrial Plasma Engineering Group, ITP: Plasma Physics Division
Fusion Research, A.F.Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, Russian Aca, Centre for Laser Plasma Research, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic, Facilitation Centre for Industrial Plasma Technolo, FOM-Institute for Plasma Physics Rijnhuizen, Nieuw, Institut für Niedertemperatur-Plasmaphysik, Greifs, Institut für Plasmaforschung Universität Stuttgart, Institute for Plasma Research - University of Mary, Institute for Plasma Research, Gujarat, India, Institute of Plasma Physics
Alfvén Laboratory, Applied Spectroscopy Laser Laboratory, University , Auburn University Plasma Physics, Australian National University Plasma Research Lab, Columbia University Plasma Physics Lab, Complex Plasma Laboratory, Culham Science Center, Dublin City University Plasma Research Laboratory, Electric Propulsion and Plasma Dynamics Laboratory, High Energy Density Physics Division at Lawrence L
On-line Catalogs
A&N Corporation, Amptek, BOC Edwards, Diversified Technologies, Inc., Dynapower Corporation, Electron Tubes Ltd., FAST ComTec's, GNB Corporation, Granville-Phillips, Hamamatsu Family
Personal Pages
Arad, Ron, Birdsall Charles K., Cadez, Vladimir, Callen, James D., Capjack, C. E., Coppi, Bruno, Dasso, Sergio, Emmert, Gilbert A., Fedosejevs, Robert, Garabedian , Paul R.
Computer Space Plasma Physics, Contributions to Plasma Physics, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Nuclear Fusion, Physical Review E, Physical Review Letters, Physics of Plasmas, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Plasma Sources Science and Technology
Space Plasmas
CLUSTER satellite, Darthmouth University Space Plasma Theory, Imperial College Space Physics Department, ISCAT, Lockheed Martin Space Plasmas Group, Microgravity Combustion Science, Modeling of the Atmosphere Magnetosphere Ionospher, NASA Cosmic and Heliospheric Learning Center, NGDC/STP - On-Line Glossary of Solar-Terrestrial T, Our Star, The Sun
Coalition for Plasma Science
A group of institutions, organizations, and companies joining forces to increase awareness and understanding of plasma science and its many applications and benefits for society.
Info from Hurtigs Laboratory
Provides links and material that can be of interest to students and other plasma physicists.
MATLAB Instruction Modules for Introductory Plasma
Modules to teach single particle motion, dispersion relation, particle simulation and ray-tracing.
NRL Plasma Formulary
Revised Edition. The NRL Plasma Formulary has been the handbook of plasma physicists for the past 20 years. It is available in PostScript, PDF, and TeX formats.
Perspectives on Plasmas
Comprehensive and educational coverage of plasma science and technology with site links worldwide.
Plasma and Fusion Glossary
Frequently used terms in plasmas physics and fusion energy research.
Plasma Everywhere
Introduction on plasmas from NASA. Plasmosphere surrounding our world.
Plasma on the Internet
Plasma-gate. Lists of Plasma Physics servers on the internet. (From WIS Institute).
Plasma Physics and Nuclear Fusion Experiments
List of web sites describing experiments world-wide to study the physics of nuclear fusion by magnetic confinement.
Plasma Simulation Projects
Projects on numerical plasma simulation, including HPEM code, Monte Carlo Module, and Feature Profile Model, developed at the Computational Optical and Discharge Physics Group, University of Illinois.
Plasma TV Science
Guide to plasma science used within the plasma television technology. Includes educational resources and links to related information.
Theoretical Principles of Plasma Physics and Atomi
Essential facts and formulae.
Who is Who in Atomic and Plasma Physics (WWAPP)
Database from Plasma Laboratory at Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.