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Electron Microscopy
Babes-Bolyai University, Bugscope, Dennis Kunkel Microscopy, Inc., Dept. of Pharmaceutical Technology, EM Laboratory, Electron Microprobe Laboratory, University of Minn, Electron Microscopy of Food and Microorganisms, Electron Microscopy Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Lun, Ernst Ruska-Centre for Microscopy, ESEMIR, Food Microstructures
Institutions and Organizations
Advanced Electron Microscopy and Imaging Center, Analytical and Environmental Electron Microscopy, Analytical Microscope Services, Czechoslovak Society for Electron Microscopy, Lightscapes Webring, McCrone Research Institute, Microscopical Society of Ireland, Microscopy Society of America, Microscopy Society of Southern Africa, Nano-Optics
Light Microscopy
Brewster Angle Microscopy, Droplet, Fluorescence microscopy using LEDs, GreatScopes, Gregor Overney's Microscopy Pages, How Light Microscopes Work, Imaging Advances in Optical Microscopy, Information relating to early microscopes, Light microscopy training courses, Markus Bruckner
Scanning Probe Microscopy
Advanced Surface Microscopy, Inc., Conference on Non-Contact AFM, Field Emission/Ion Microscopy Laboratory, Imaging Surfaces on a Fine Scale, Scanning Probe Microscopy (CUED Nanoscale Science , Scanning Probe Microscopy at Bristol, Scanning Probe Microscopy Page by Stephan Altmann, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, SPM Application, University of Leuven, Belgium - The SPM Group
Glossary of Microscopy and Microanalytical Terms
Introductory information on techniques and instruments used by microscopists.
Goettingen Institute for X-ray Physics
Development and applications of X-ray microscopy.
Laser Microdissection
Information on laser microdissection and optical tweezer technology. Includes examples, methods, references and workshop information at the University of Western Australia.
Lehigh Microscopy School
PA school offers short courses each June on electron microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, and microanalysis.
Links to Microscopy Resources
An extensive list of links pointing to microscopy related resources.
Microbeam Laboratory - CSIRO Minerals
Microscopy, microanalysis and soft X-ray spectrocopy. Chemical and structural mapping capabilities and software.
Microscopy Vendors Database
Online database of microscopy vendors from optical and electron microscopy, spectroscopy, microanalysis, spare parts, and image analysis.
Molecular Expressions: Images from the Microscope
Hundreds of photomicrographs (photographs through the microscope) of everything from superconductors and high-tech materials to ice cream and beer.
Research in the development of optical microscopes with resolutions in the nanometer scale.
NanoScan Measurement System
New instruments for observing the surface topography and measuring surface mechanical properties with nano-scale resolution in open air. The fields of applications are thin films, composite materials, hard alloys, superhard materials.
Nanoworld Home Page
Extensive web site about microscopy, microscopes, and microanalysis. Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis, University of Queensland.
Open Microscopy Environment
Resource for the analysis and classification of biological images using a database-driven three-tier software system, maintained by MIT.
Petr's Microscopy Resources
Pages of interest for microscopists, including microscopy meetings, literature, resources and suppliers.
Polymer Microscopy
Image galleries of homogenous and heterogenous polymers using TEM, AFM and light microscopy equipment at the University of Freiburg, Germany.
Shared Research Equipment (SHaRE) User Facility
Together with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) provides microanalytical facilities for studies within the materials sciences.
SkyScan Microtomography
Skyscan is an only producer of the scientific instruments for high-resolution 3D non-destructive microscopy (micro-CT).
World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Microscopy
Covers all aspects of light microscopy, electron microscopy and other forms of microscopy.