Bayesian Analysis
Conferences, Software, Bayesian Abstract Archive, Bayesian Analysis Archive, Bayesian Blind Source Separation, Bayesian Inference for the Physical Sciences, Bayesian Model Averaging, Biography of Reverend Thomas Bayes (1702-1761), Computational Technology for Bayesian Inference, Decision Analysis Society, Duke University Institute of Statistics and Decisi, International Society for Bayesian Analysis
Chats and Forums
Allstat Statistics Mailing List, Clinical Pharmacology Statisticians Discussion, List of Statistics Lists, Mailing Lists and Newsgroups, Statistical List Subscription Service, Statistics-Related Discussion Groups
ACOMED Statistics, Applied Analytic Systems Statistics Group, AT&T Labs, Battelle, Bell Laboratories, Brighton Webs, Design of Experiments Services (DOES), Expert Soft Technologie, Gambology, Liaison Systems
Calendars, Past Conferences, Series, Adaptive Designs for Clinical Development, EMS2005, ICOTS-7, IMS-ISBA Joint Meeting, Joint Meeting CSPS/IMS, SRTL4
Academic Departments, AP Statistics at the College Board, Business Statistics, Center for Statistics Education, Computer-Assisted Statistics Teaching (CAST), CTI Centre for Statistics, Curve Fit, DISCUS, Intro Stat: EPR Approach, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, Introductory Statistics: Concepts, Models, and Ap
Amstat Career Center, Careers in Statistics, Faculty of Actuaries and Institute of Actuaries Ca, PSI Job Adverts, Statistical Job Announcements in Australasia, Statistics Job Announcements
American Statistical Association - Biometrics Sect, Amstat Online, ASA Section on Statistical Computing, Belgian Statistical Society, Bernoulli Society, Bulgarian Statistical Society, Center for Health Statistics Research, Centre for Mathematical Statistics, Acadeimia Roma, Classification Society of North America, Council of Presidents of Statistical Societies
Alexandru I. Petrisor, Angshuman Saha, Arsham, Hossein, Bottomley, Henry, Chris Chiu, Collected Papers of R.A. Fisher 1890-1962, Craig Johns, Damon Wischik, David R. Bickel, PhD, Directory of Academic Statisticians 2000
Journals, A New View of Statistics, Biometrika, Briefbook of Data Analysis, Concepts and Applications of Inferential Statistic, Current Index to Statistics, HyperStat Online, InterStat, Medical Statistics at a Glance, Reading Statistics and Research, Reversibility and Stochastic Networks
ActiveX and .Net, Distributions, Excel Add-In, Minitab, Regression and Curve Fitting, S, SPSS, Time Series Analysis, ;STAT, Agna, Algoval, AM Statistical Software, aML Multilevel Multiprocess Modeling, Analytical Software, AppleTree, BioStat by LemnaTec, CAMO Technologies, Inc., Chameleon Statistics
Statistical Consulting
ADI-NV, Inc., AdStat Solutions, Alliance of Statistics Consultants, AMO, Analytic Focus LLC, AshLind Consulting, Bardwell Consulting, Ltd., Statistical Consulting, Bendigo Scientific Data Analysts, Beta Statistics, Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland
Adaptive Designs
Describes adaptive statistical designs and their benefits, and some programs for optimizing and analyzing such designs.
Advanced Statistics
Advanced statistics and optimization including Response and Yield Surface Modeling.
Analysis of Multiple Informant Data
Statistical methodology for the analysis of multiple informants/sources with applications to child psychopathology and gerontology.
Biostatistics Resources on the World Wide Web
Links to departments, associations, data, software, teaching resources.
Calculation for the Sobel Test
Interactive calculator performs tests of mediation in path analysis or structural equation models.
Chance Database Welcome Page
This data base contains materials designed help teach a Chance course or a more standard introductory probability or statistics course.
Chebyshev's Inequality
Chebyshev's inequality with one-tailed and unimodal versions, putting statistical limits on the dispersion of probability distributions.
Common Distribution Calculators
Calculators, plotters, and random number generators for pdf and cdf of the common continuous and discrete probability distributions.
Effect Size Calculator
On-line calculator for Cohen's d and r, presented by Lee A. Becker.
Entropy in Science
Specializing in the uses of entropy in statistics and science.
Experimental Designs, DOE
A collection of experimental designs that a statistical practicioner may find useful.
Free Statistics On The Web
An index of free statistical software, data and resources.
Glossary of Statistical Terms
Explains trade words used in the field. Includes resource links.
History of the Monte Carlo Method
The Monte Carlo method provides approximate solutions to a variety of mathematical problems by performing statistical sampling experiments on a computer.
Interactive Statistical Calculations Page
Collection of over 300 links to web pages that perform statistical calculations.
IRT Tutorial
Item Response Theory (IRT) tutorial from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Psychology Department.
Item Response Theory and Its Applications
Scientific resources for item response theory approaches to measurement.
Latent Class Analysis
Directory of software for this statistical technique for modeling unmeasured categorical variables.
Latent Class Analysis and Latent Class Models
Resource for applied researchers and statisticians interested in the statistical method, Latent Class Analysis. Numbers Game
The media's use of statistics in a culture where public policy is often based on "scientific" findings is more than a topic for journalism-school debates. Links to in-depth articles from a variety of perspectives.
Modern Regression and Classification
2 day course for overview of computer-based regression and classification.
Non Symmetrical Data Analysis
Discusses methods of how to use structured information for multi-dimensional data analysis. From the University of Naples.
Parrondo's Paradox
A site about Parrando's paradox: alternating two losing games yield a winning game.
Power Analysis for ANOVA Designs
On-line demonstration which runs an SAS program that calculates power or sample size needed to attain a given power for one effect in a factorial ANOVA design.
Power Calculator
Returns distribution values based on on-line user input for many common statistical distributions.
Protein Structure Theory Group - Analysis Tools
Online tool can be used to analyze frequency, equi-probability, general random, and point mutations.
Rainer's Home Page for Statisticians
Information and links on WWW servers in Statistics, mailing lists and newsgroups, statistical associations and departments, statistical software, miscellaneous, statistical quotes, and a directory of professional statisticians worldwide.
Research Randomizer
A free web-based service that offers instant random sampling and random assignment for researchers. Also has a user-friendly tutorial for students.
Second Moment
Academic research and resources for industry analysts and businesses interested in applying the latest statistical and analytical tools and technology.
Frequently asked questions about structural equation modeling.
Spatial Aggregation
A framework for organizing computations around image-like, analogue representations of physical processes in data interpretation and control tasks.
Spatial Statistical Sites Source
This site provides links to many pages with primary or secondary relevance to spatial statistics.
An online system for finding statistical tests that would best suited to a specific dataset.
Statistical Analysis
Principles of mixed model analysis. Includes discussion of REML estimation of variances, BLUEs and BLUPs, fixed and random effects, and inference space; with small examples.
Statistical Data Analysis
Covers time series analysis, popular distributions, and the computer implementations.
Statistical Inference on the TI-83/86/89
Contains problems and solutions on general topics of probability distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, and correlation analysis. Detailed survey sampling projects are also included.
Statistical Linkage Programs
Information about statistics for genetic analysis.
Statistical Methods for Rater Agreement
Resources for researchers who want to analyze data on agreement among raters or diagnostic methods. Includes raw agreement indices, kappa coefficient, weighted kappa, latent class and latent trait models, and tetrachoric and polychoric correlations.
Statistical Review
Free formulae of rules for the expectation of mean, variance, covariance, correlation coefficient, proofs available for purchase.
Statistical Science Web
Hierarchical directory of resources of interest to statisticians with special attention to Australia.
Statistics Every Writer Should Know
Basic statistical concepts described in plain English. Designed for journalists or other beginners.
Statistics on the Web
Clay Helberg's annotated list of statistical method resources on the web.
Statistics Resources
Sidney Tyrrell's Resources' page, part of the National Grid for Learning.
Statistics Resources
A collection of resources: software, FAQs, papers, books, links. Ranges from elementary to advanced. Compiled by Stephen Soldz.
Searchable database of statistical information and data sources on the internet.
Statoo Resource links
Directory of statistical links, organized by specialty.
The Chart of the Week
Graphical display of social, economic, and political statistical data
The Interdisciplinary Inversion Group.
The focus of the research is on statistical aspects of inverse problems. Courses, publications and other resources.
The Internet Glossary of Statistical Terms
Glossary of terms organized according to learning order for those unfamiliar with the subject, and also an alphabetical list for already familiar with statistical procedure.
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Statistics
Well-organized, comprehensive list of web Statistics resources.
Virtual Laboratories in Probability and Statistics
Interactive, web-based resources for students and teachers of probability and statistics.