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Slide Rules, 16 function webpage calculator, 1st Calculator, 5000 digit calculator, A3Calc, AddsUp, Advanced Converter, Akapa Math Calculator, Analysis, a Tool Dedicated to Calculus, Archimede, ArsenalCalc - expression calculator
Adept Scientific, Advanced Visual Systems, Aepryus Software, AMO's solutions, Aptech Systems, Inc., Aspire Software International, Bandaar, CANdiensten, CenterSpace Software, Chartwell-Yorke
Bibliografía sobre DERIVE, Derive 2000, Derive 5, Derive 5 Computer Algebra Software, Derive for Windows, DERIVE Grand Tour, Derive to LaTeX Conversion, International DERIVE User Group (DUG), International Journal of Computer Algebra in Mathe, Learning Numerical Analysis through Derive
ICM'98 Session on Mathematical Software, ICMS 2002, ICMS-2002
Gnuplot, 3D Grapher, 3DMath Explorer, Aabel, ACE/gr, Akapa Graphing Calculator, Analysis, Analyzer, Andrew Harmsworth's Graph Software Contest, Arnab's Graph Explorer, Autograph
Adept Scientific, Calculus and Differential Equations with Maple V, Computing with Maple, Cryptography and Coding Theory with Maple, Experiments in Mathematics Using Maple, Hypertext Maple Tutorial, JavaViewLib, Maple 4 Students, Maple Applications Center, Maple at IU.
Adventures in Mathcad, BarBuilder, Introduction to Mathcad, Mathcad at Adept Scientific, Mathcad Collaboratory, MathCAD File Site, Mathcad Files Around the World, Mathcad Mailing List Archives, MathParser, MathSoft, Inc.
Companies, Advanced Mathematics for Applications, Analytic Cycling, Artlandia, CALC Project, Calculus and Mathematica, Combinatorics and Graph Theory with Mathematica, Complex Analysis, Computer Graphics, Differential Equations and Mathematica, DirectMath
People, A MATLAB Differentiation Matrix Suite, A Practical Introduction to MATLAB, A Survey of Parallel MATLAB Projects, ADAPTx, ARfit: Fitting Multivariate Autoregressive Models, ARMASA Toolbox, Automatic Differentiation in MATLAB, Bayes Net Toolbox, Biomedical Signal Analysis Software, Blind Watchmaker for MATLAB
CS, From Maple to MuPad, mathPAD Online, MuPAD, MuPAD Pro Computing Essentials, SciFace Software
Constructor, SimGrav Cosmo Lab, Tacoma Narrows Bridge Simulation
Abacus Math Writer, aMath96, Applied Symbols, Don Knuth's Home Page, Editors and Typesetting, GIF Images for Math Symbols, IBM techexplorer Hypermedia Browser, KFormula, Math Typesetting for the Internet, MathEdit
3D-XplorMath is a mathematical visualization program for Macintosh computers running version 9 or later of MacOS. It is free for non-commercial use.
Addix Software Consultancy
Suppliers of financial, mathematical and statistical function libraries and tools for use in Excel, VB and VBA. Page includes details about programs offered.
Applied Mathematics Software
Shareware mathematical components and applications using Borland products.
C++ template library for computations in ARithmetics, Algebra, GEometry, Linear and Integer linear programming. Supports arbitrary length integers, rationals, vectors, matrices.
Atlantis Graphing/Math Software
Includes Graphing, Curve-Fitting, Statistics, Roots of Polynomials, Matrix Algebra, Integration. Windows; free evaluation version, on-line ordering.
Behavior Modeler
GrafiCalc allows users to simulate and solve a wide range of geometry based computational challenges.
Calculus 1.0
Software for Windows by Ashay Dharwadker. Compute and graph functions, derivatives and integrals. Free limited evaluation version.
Computational Finance and Mathematical Software Co
Applications in computational finance, signal processing, independent component analysis (ICA), time series analysis and data mining. ActiveX Controls that can be used in a wide range of Windows Application Development Environments. Purchase on-line.
Supports exact comparisons for expressions involving arithmetic and square roots, or if desired, faster inexact comparisons. Designed for exact geometric computation.
Mathematical Programming Software for resource optimization. Our linear, mixed-integer and quadratic programming solvers are known for superior performance and reliability--particularly on large, difficult problems.
Curve Fit XYZ Computer Program
Curve fit program determines equation coefficients for functions y = f(x) and y = f(x,z). Polynomial, exponential and power form of the equation are included.
DataTrend Software
Grab It allows a scientist or engineer to digitize data without a graphic tablet. Loads any graph or chart and digitizes the data accurately and in real time.
dotNum - .NET Numerics
A free/open-source numeric class library for math, engineering, scientific and financial applications; written in C# for the .NET platform with native BLAS support.
Scientific Graphing and Data Analysis.
efg's Computer Lab: Cyclic Redundancy Code C
Lab Report about computing CRC-16 and CRC-32 values using Delphi. Includes links and literature references.
Symbolic mathematics for Windows, MacOSX. A sourceforge open-source project.
The Electronic Library for Mathematical Software at Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB).
Equation Editors by MGCSoft
Math equation and graphical editor.
A numerical laboratory with a programming language, similar to Matlab.
Euromath Support Center
Distribution and support of Euromath software (Bratislava, Slovak Republic). Unix version free to download.
An open source digital signal processing library written in C#. Includes complex numbers classes, statistical functions and 1D, 2D and 3D fast Fourier transforms.
Exterior Differential Calculus
Freeware enables Mathematica to carry out calculations with differential forms.
Formula Interpreter ForInt
A free mathematical program with basic and higher functions. Free download, web demo version.
Free Statistics on the Web
An index of free mathematical software
GNU Octave
High-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. Solves linear and nonlinear problems numerically, and uses a language that is mostly compatible with Matlab. It may also be used as a batch-oriented language.
GNU Scientific Library
A free numerical library for C programmers. Includes over 1000 mathematical functions and algorithms. Distributed under the GNU General Public License.
GRAPE - Graphics Programming Environment
A package for mathematical visualization, particularly in the fields of differential geometry and continuum mechanics. Available free by FTP but only to university departments and similiar research sites and only for non-profit purposes.
Graph Paper Printer
Program will generate different types of plotting pages, such as rectangular, polar, triangular, hexagonal coordinates and spiral. Uses equal divisions, which are customizable.
Guide to Available Mathematical Software (GAMS)
You can search for software according to: what problem it solves; package name; module name; and text in module abstracts.
Hermetic Systems: Mathematical Items
Programs on mathematical themes, including programs for factoring numbers and for exploring the prime number spiral.
HPCC Software Exchange
A distributed collection of software, documents, data, and information for the high performance and parallel computing community.
Free Windows and Macintosh software, "HyperCube", to process digital imagery including multispectral and hyperspectral data.
JavaMath API
Sourceforge software to enable mathematical programs in Java to use the computational capabilities of existing compute engines.
JavaScript Applications. Numerical Methods.
Applications in JavaScript (Jscript for Microsoft) of several numerical methods: scientific calculator, inverse matrix, numerical integral, oscillations, navigation.
JEP - Java Math Expression Parser
An open-source Java API for parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions.
Computer algebra and graphing tool for Mac, Windows, Linux and Sun, formerly sold under the product names Theorist and MathView, with ancillary product Expressionist. Includes a browser plug-in.
Mathematical & Scientific Computing Software
An environment for developing numerical computation programs and producing publication-quality documents with equations, graphs, and tables. Includes a program editor, a debugger, a scientific word processor, an equation editor, and a powerful high-level programming language that supports multidimensional arrays, complex numbers, and user-defined functions.
Mathematical and Statistical Software Available at
Lists the usage and availability of some mathematical software packages. Aimed at NCSA users but of general interest.
Mathematical Software Resources
Numerical resources collected together by the ACM as part of its web site for the Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS).
Mathematical Software Sources
Compiled at the University of Haifa.
Mathematical Utilities
A collection of mathematics tools for students, engineers, and scientists, mainly in Javascript.
Mathematics Archives - Other Software Sites
The Mathematics Archives' collection of links to other software sites.
Mathematics Software
Mathematics software from Global Shareware directory. Free downloads of Windows 95/98/2000/XP shareware.
Mathematics Software
Collection in the Math WWW Virtual Library at FSU.
MathLib, computational engine (Matlab, octave styl
MathLib is a powerful mathematical engine written in java. A huge amount of mathematical and engineering functions is available.
Mathomatic Home Page
A general purpose CAS for DOS, Windows, and Linux/UNIX. C source code under LGPL.
Mathematical routines by Bhuvanesh Bhatt for the TI-89/92+/V200 in Algebra, Number Theory, Statistics and applications.
Technical computing portal for scientific and engineering software. Numerous links to software organised by application and by language (mainly MATLAB, Excel, C++, Fortran and Java). Site requires Javascript; free registration.
Matrix ActiveX Component 3.0
An ActiveX DLL library that implements matrix algebra for mathematical computation in application development. Free trial download.
Maxima for Symbolic Computation Program
Maxima is a Common Lisp implementation of MIT's Macsyma system for computer based algebra, released under the GNU Public License.
Miscellaneous Mathematical Utilities
Javascript making use of algorithms from the BLAS, EISPACK, and LINPACK collections.
My Arbitrary Precision Math Library (MAPM)
A portable set of functions in C with C++ wrapper. Includes trigonometric functions.
NCSA Software Development Group
Focuses on improving the productivity of researchers by providing software for scientific modeling, analysis, and visualization. Software available by FTP, email or on CDROM.
Neon Programming
Used to compose new formulas and save them, which can later be edited and extended with additional information. Lists functions that can be used.
Numerical Mathematics
Features programs that will find solutions for functions, equations, differential equations, regression, approximation, interpolation, linear algebra, integration, maxima and minima, and 3D graphing. Includes free download demonstrations and general explanation of methods used.
Numerics for RAD
Dew Research produces an object oriented numerical library for Delphi Pascal and CBuilder. Additional component packages include signal processing and statistics.
A matrix-based scripting language and integrated computing environment. Win32. On-line ordering.
A Virtual Laboratory for Experimental Mathematics. Free software distributed under a GNU-like license agreement.
Data analysis and graphics software. Technical charts for scientists and engineers. 2D and 3D plotting, statistics, curve fitting, and peak fitting.
Pavel Sakov's Software
Natural Neighbours Interpolation Orthogonal Grid Generation Quadratic Programming, developed for marine engineering applications using Linux by Pavel Sakov.
Peanut Software
Free mathematics software for Windows. Individual software packages handle geometry, equations, statistics, discrete math, fractals, matrices, and games.
A parallel linear algebra package from the University of Texas at Austin. It performs vector and matrix manipulations, with a high level of abstraction.
pro Fit
Software for the analysis and visualization of numerical data.
From the newsletter of the UK LTSN Maths, Stats and OR Network. Mainly in PDF.
Scientific Visualization
Support for visualization of scientific data, from University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute.
Scilab Home Page
Scilab is a scientific software package for numerical computations in a user-friendly environment.
Search sci.math.symbolic
Teachers and students of symbolic mathematics will find others who share their interests at the sci.math.symbolic discussion list.
Graphical frontend for the Maxima computer algebra system.
Online calculator, math handbook, symbolic math and Computer Algebra System.
Table Curve 3D
Combines a powerful surface fitter with the ability to find the ideal equation to describe three dimensional empirical data. Windows. Free demonstration download.
TableCurve 2D
Combines a powerful curve fitter with the ability to find the ideal equation to describe two dimensional empirical data. Windows. Free demonstration download.
The ACTS Toolkit
A set of DOE-developed software tools that make it easier for programmers to write high performance scientific applications for parallel computers.
The Object-Oriented Numerics Page
A collection of links to software and sites in computational science.
TK Solver
Equation solving software for engineering and math modeling. Applications include plastic gear design, stress, mechanical, thermal, dynamics, machine design, chemical, and consulting.
University of Arizona Mathematical Software
A page with links to all mathematical and graphics software packages developed in the University of Arizona Mathematics Department. Both research-related and instructional packages are covered.
VisualMath For Java
An online symbolic math and computer algebra system.
A data visualization system for viewing high-dimensional data and proximity data as well as for graphs and networks.
Yacas Computer Algebra System
Acronym for Yet Another Computer Algebra System, an open-source software package. Supports arbitrary precision arithmetic, matrices, and differential and integral calculus.