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Academic Departments
(Hungary) Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (ELTE, (Switzerland) École Polytechnique Fédérale de Laus, (UK) Brunel University, (UK) Government Operational Research Service, (UK) London School of Economics, (UK) University of Bradford, (UK) University of Portsmouth, (USA) MIT, (USA) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, CAMO
Commercial Sites
Book and Journal Publishers, ABSSP Algorithm, AGR, AIMMS - The Modeling System of Paragon Decision Te, Ali Emrouznejad's Data Envelopment Analysis H, AMO's solutions, AMPL Modeling Language for Mathematical Programmin, August-Gram Consulting, Inc., Axioma, Inc., Banxia: Software for Data Envelopment Analysis and, Basic Simulation Concepts
All Conferences, Conference List, EURESCO Conferences, German Scientific Computing, IM-NET Industrial Mathematics Conferences, Inomics Search Conference Calls, New Directions in Risk Modelling and Financial Pla, PATAT Conferences, SIAM Conferences, The IASTED International Conferences
FAQs and Tutorials
A Tutorial on Integer, Algorithm for Black Box Global Optimization, Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problems, An Introduction to Queueing Systems, Archives of ORNET@JISCMAIL.AC.UK, Constraints FAQ, IFORS Tutorial, Linear Programming FAQs, Myths and Counterexamples, NEOS Guide
Professional Organizations
National Societies, Special Interest Groups, AMORE, Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Decision Sciences Institute, Deepa & Sanal's Home, EURO - Home Page, IFORS, IIE, INFORMS Transactions on Education (ITE), INFORMS- The Institute for Operations Research and, International Society of Parametric Analysts (ISPA
Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Computers and Operations Research, Decision Sciences Web, IMPS Bibliography, International Journal of Statistics and Systems, ITORMS, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
A Collection of Modelling and Simulation Resources
Annotated index.
Automated Timetabling
Automated timetabling issues and methods.
Combinatorial and Integer Optimization
A good collection of readings on the subjects.
Decision Tree for Optimization Software
Identify potential solution algorithms for your problems.
The site contains a set of principles to guide forecasting.
Forecasting and Time Series on the Web
Contains a collection of useful links.
Game Theory
Provides an introduction to the field.
Global (and Local) Optimization
Archive of information on global and local optimization.
Global Optimization
Links to global optimization.
INFORMS OR/MS Resource Collection
Edited by Michael Trick.
Introduction to Queueing Theory
Discusses notations, formulas and basic rules.
Inventory Control Related Sites
Annotated index of sites for inventory (stock) control.
Logistics: The WWW Virtual Library
All the logistic links you ever need.
Mathematical Programming Glossary
Glossary of keywords and phrases used in the field of optimization.
Maths, Stats & OR Network
Incorporates many of the relevant resources.
Mind Tools
Decision theory and decision trees.
Software, Books and Resources.
Optimization and Operations Research
A list maintained by Henry Wolkowicz.
Optimization Technology
Features a "Optimization Tree" that explores subfields of optimization.
A library of problem instances covering many OR/MS areas.
Principles of Forecasting
Provides practical guide for forecasting.
Queueing Theory Page
Links to queueing related topics
Software Surveys
A collection of surveys of OR/MS software.
System and Simulation Links
A compilation of links on system modeling and simulation.
The Math Forum - Math Library - Operations Researc
Contains sites links relating to OR/MS.
The Science and Technology of Decision-making
A good set of OR/MS applications.
Traveling Salesman Problem: ZIP-Method
A new solution algorithm for the TSP.
Unsolved Problems in OR
A good collection.
Vehicle Routing Problem
An introduction to the topic with an indexed links.
World-wide-web for OR/MS.