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Bounds on the Minimum Distance of Linear Codes
Fill in q, n, k, and get bounds on the maximal minimum distance of the linear codes over GF(q) with length n and dimension k.
Check or Generator Matrices of Some Linear Codes
Examples for q up to 9.
Classifying Subspaces of Hamming Spaces
By P. R. J. Östergård. The following codes with minimum distance greater than or equal to 3 are classified: binary codes up to length 14, ternary codes up to length 11, and quaternary codes up to length 10.
Constant Weight Binary Codes
Lower bounds (and in some cases exact values) for A(n,d,w), the size of the largest binary code of length n, distance d and constant weight w.
Covering Codes
The best known bounds on the size of binary covering codes of length up to 33 and covering radius up to 10. Compiled by Simon Litsyn.
Database on Binary Quasi-Cyclic Codes
Interactive page to find the code parameters (generator polynomials and weight distribution) and references.
Dense Sphere Packings from New Codes
A table with the largest densities of sphere packings known to us in dimensions up to 200.
Information about Binary Linear Codes
Database of information on binary linear codes of length n and dimension k with n <= 85 or n <= 204 and k <= 14. Searchable.
Isometry Classes of Codes
And other tables by Harald Fripertinger.
Lower Bounds and Encoding Circuits for Weakly Self
A table of codes up to length 32 encoding up to 30 qubits.
Nonlinear Binary Codes
Lower bounds (and in some cases exact values) for A(n,d), the size of the largest binary code of length n and minimal distance d.
Optimal One-Error-Correcting Codes
Optimal binary one-error-correcting codes of length 10 have 72 codewords. Tables to supplement the paper published in IEEE-IT 45 by P.R.J. Östergård, T. Baicheva and E. Kolev.
Tables of Binary Block Codes
Tables of bounds on the size of binary unrestricted codes, constant-weight codes, doubly-bounded-weight codes, and doubly-constant-weight codes. Compiled by Erik Agrell, Chalmers.