Communication Theory
Coding Theory, Cryptography, Events, Research Groups, A Mathematical Theory of Communication, Coding and Cryptography, Coding Theory and Cryptology, IEEE Communications Society Communication Theory T, Shannon's Communication Theory, Werkgemeenschap voor Informatie en Communicatiethe
Complex Systems
Abstract Organisms, Events, Evolution and Dynamics, Journals, Modelling Methods, Research Groups, ACE studies, Iowa State University, USA, Bibliography of Complex Systems, Complex Adaptive Systems Research, Complex Systems Research on Parallel Computers, Complex Systems Survey, Complex Systems Survey, Complexity and Life, Debate on Complexity,, Dissipative systems DYNAMICS, Dynamical Complexity and Regularity
Control Theory
Events, Institutions, Journals, People, Adjusting PID Gains, Bode and Nyquist Using Excel, Brief History of Feedback Control, Classical Feedback Control with Matlab, Control Theory, Control Theory 101, Control Theory and Engineering Links, Control Tutorials for Matlab, Control Tutorials for Matlab: PID Tutorial, Design and Analysis of Control Systems Research La
Calendars, Past Events, Applied Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Bridging Time and Length Scales, Cells and Materials, ESGI52/SWI2005, FoCM'05, ICTMA12, Imaging, International Conference of Computational Methods , International Conference of Numerical Analysis and
Information Theory
Academic Departments, Conferences, Journals, Papers, People, Research Groups, Societies, A Discipline Independent Definition of Information, A Short Course in Information Theory, About Information Theory, Algorithmic Information Theory, Basics of Information Theory, Biosemiotics, Data transmission, Entropy in Information Theory, Entropy on the World Wide Web, Information Theory
Mathematical Biology
Events, Journals, Organizations, People, Research Groups, Algorithms in Molecular Biology, Biology Online, Forensic Mathematics, Janus Team, Mathematical Biology Pages, Mathematical Biology Sites, Mathematics and Biology: The Interface, Mathematics in Biology, Ordination Methods for Ecologists, Quantitative Population Ecology
Mathematical Chemistry
Events, Research Groups, Algebraic Combinatorics in Mathematical Chemistry, Books on Mathematical Chemistry, Geometrization of the Language of Chemistry, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, Keith Taylor's Mathematical Chemistry Page, Kluwer : Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, MATCH: Communications in Mathematical and in Compu, Mathematical Challenges from Theoretical/Computati
Mathematical Economics and Financial Mathematics
Companies, Events, People, Publications, Research Groups, Software, A Calculus of Risk, Balducci's Actuarial Home Page, Cambridge Econometrics - Econometrics Training Ser, Colloquium Financial Mathematics Links, CQF Mathematical Finance Forum, Derivatives Concepts A-Z, Devlin's Angle: A Nobel Formula, International Association of Financial Engineers, Introduction to Options, Journal of Finance: Other Finance Related Sites
Mathematical Geosciences
Events, Journals, ANON, Centre for Environmental and Geophysical Flows, Claerbout's Classroom, Geomaths, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathema, International Association for Mathematical Geology, Laurent Duval, Seismic Un*x, University of Cambridge
Mathematical Psychology
Events, CNTC Mathematical Psychology Analyst, European Masters Programme in Mathematical Psychol, Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences, UC, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, Open Distance Learning: Mathematical Psychology, Project Psychology for Scientists and Engineers, Representing Interval Orders by Arbitrary Real Int, Society for Mathematical Psychology, Society for Mathematical Psychology, Topological Psychology
Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied , Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Societ, European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry, Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechan, ICIAM, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IM, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA, International Federation of Nonlinear Analysts, Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathemati, Mathematics in Industry
Research Groups
(Australia) University of South Australia, Adelaid, (Austria) Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz, (Chile) University of Chile, (Germany) Saarland University, (Greece) Heraklion, Crete, (Italy) CISM, (UK) ABC-KLM, (UK) BP Institute Cambridge, (UK) Oxford University, (UK) University of Cambridge
An initiative of twenty university nodes and over eighty industrial nodes from fourteen European countries to form an open network for the advancement of Mathematics, Computing and Simulation for industry. Site lists events, working groups and publications.
MathFIT - Mathematics for IT
Research grants, visiting fellowships, networks, workshops and summer schools, supporting high-quality interdisciplinary research in the UK at the interface between mathematics and computer science.