Benton County Water Quality
Philomath High School senior class project that monitors water quality of swimming holes. Includes photos of the sites and water quality results.
Canyon Meadows Water Co.
2003 water quality consumer confidence report describing water contaminant levels and sources responsible.
CEEP - Centre Européen d'Etudes sur les Poly
Information concerning the impact of phosphates on aquatic systems and the environment, the properties and performance of polyphosphate products, and measures to reduce phosphate discharges.
Clean Lakes Program
EPA's information resources on clean lakes, including links to on-line documents, the latest [1994] published 305(b) report, and ordering instructions for other documents about clean lakes.
Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland - Nationa
Web interface to database of water quality in Ireland. Interactive maps and graphs show water quality for rivers and lakes throughout the country. Also includes links to reports on inland water quality. (Requires Java 1.1 browser.)
Living Water
Applying ecological principles and natural systems to create water and waste solutions for households, communities, agriculture, landfills and industry.
North Carolina Nonpoint Source Management Program
Programs to reduce water pollution from land use practices such as construction and agriculture.
North Carolina State University Water Quality Grou
A multidisciplinary team that analyzes and conducts natural resource management programs with an emphasis on nonpoint source (NPS) pollution policy,assessment, and control technologies.
Nutrient Net Demo
Demonstration of a market-based approach for protecting and improving water quality. Nutrient trading involves allowing sources to trade in ways that meet local and watershed-wide water quality goals.
Nutrient Pollution
Discusses how nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment affect Chesapeake Bay and other aquatic systems.
Pollutants And Human Activities
7th graders Dave and Adnan built with website providing information on water testing, pullutants, and watersheds.
SEL Environmental - Brownfield Redevelopment and S
SEL Environmental is a sub-contractor specialising in engineered solutions for passive and active gas protection to structures, stormwater management, in-ground vertical geomembrane barrier and vent trenches.
Stream Reach Management: An Expert System (STREA
Computer application being developed to help water managers to evaluate the effect of large nutrient loads on stream nutrient retention, by analyzing relationships between stream nutrient retention and several physical, chemical and biological parameters. Overview, participants, sample study sites in the Mediterranean region, and publications.
The Lorch Foundation
Charitable trust foundation that promotes education and research in water purification and related technologies.
USGS National Analysis of Trace Elements
Assessment of trace elements in ground water, surface water, streambed sediment, and fish and clam tissue across the United States.
USGS Toxics Substances Hydrology Program
Goal is to provide unbiased earth science information on the behavior of toxic substances in U.S. hydrologic environments.
Water Quality Products
Provideseditorial content including developments in water conditioning, filtration and disinfection for residential, commercial and industrial systems.
Waterose Environmental Sciences
Judith Burke, British Columbia water inventory specialist, provides articles, photos and information related to water quality, testing, salmon restoration, and related topics. Also includes resume, paintings, and cartoons.
Watershed and Coastal Resources of Orange County,
Presented to raise awareness of water-quality issues. Offers information on rainfall, weather, watersheds, stormwater projects, and pollution.
Waterwatch Victoria
Organisation which carries out monitoring programs, and the testing of physical and chemical properties of water.