Basel Convention Regional Centre Pretoria, Tunis International Centre for Environmental Techn
Sweden, United Kingdom, (EIONET) European Environment Information and Obse, Baltic Environment Forum, Belgium - Federal Department of the Environment, European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organi, European Commission: Environment, European Environment Information and Observation N, European Topic Centre on Air Quality, GLOBE European Union, HELCOM - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Comm, Institute for Environment and Sustainability
US-Canada, CEPIS/PAHO Pan American Center for Sanitary Engine, Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CCE - CC, EcoLinks: Eurasian-American Partnership for Enviro, Global Environment Facility, Global Environment Facility - UNDP, Global Resource Information Database (GRID), IUCN - The World Conservation Union, Organization of Americas Sustainable Development, UN Environment Programme: Technology, industry and, UNEP GRID-Arendal