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Biological Remediation
Phytoremediation, Products and Services, Bioremediation Discussion Group, Center for Bioremediation, International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, Laboratory for Environmental Biotechnology, NABIR Field Research Center at Oak Ridge, Tennesse, Natural and Accelerated Bioremediation Research (N, Removal of Mercury from Industrial Wastewater by B
2 The 4 Technology Solutions
Collection of articles on soil/groundwater remediation technology and the general understanding of the biogeochemical dynamics of the subsurface.
Bennett Environmental Inc.
Thermal treatment of PCB, PCP, Pesticide and chlorinated organic compound contaminated soils.
Soil remediation technology based on steam injection and bacterial stimulation.
Cleaning up Former Methamphetamine Labs
Basic guidelines to assist property owners and the general public in sanitizing and making residences safe after this type of toxic exposure.
Current Environmental Solutions
Environmental technology development and commercialization company describes it specialization in DNAPL remediation using six-phase heating and related technologies. Includes archive of media reports about their work.
Diversified Remediation and Controls, Inc.
Designs, manufactures, and distributes air stripping equipment and control systems for use in ground water remediation.
Environmental Capital International
ECI is an investment bank specializing in financial solutions for the cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated sites.
Environmental Expert
This page presents free accessible articles, events, software, technological solutions and web resources for Soil & Groundwater Remediation.
Environmental Recovery Services is a full service Industrial Environmental Management Company located in Southern California. We specialize in alternative disposal technologies, waste minimization, and consolidation.
Describes an advanced (proprietary) stabilization/solidification technology for the clean-up of contaminated land and hazardous wastes (for in-situ or ex-situ applications).
Fast-Tek Engineering Support Services
Describes and offers in situ soil and groundwater remediation, including bioremediation, using injection.
Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable
technical information on technologies for waste site cleanup
Geo-Cleanse International, Inc.
New Jersey company offers in-situ chemical oxidation technology that utilizes Fenton's reagent chemistry. Also, potassium or sodium permanganate injection.
Great Lakes Mid-Atlantic Center For Hazardous Subs
Information about current research in bioremediation, soil contaminant sorption and desorption, molecular modeling techniques, and related fields. Michigan, USA.
Ground-Water Remediation Technologies Analysis Cen
Information on innovative groundwater remediation technologies. GWRTAC prepares reports by technical teams selectively chosen from Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC), the University of Pittsburgh, and other supporting institutions.
Hazardous Waste Clean-Up Information (CLU-IN)
Information about innovative treatment technology for the hazardous waste remediation community. Programs, organizations, publications, and other tools. Developed by the U.S. EPA, but intended as a forum for all waste. remediation stakeholders.
In-Situ Fixation, Inc.
Company providing in situ remediation/treatment of soil and groundwater utilizing DUAL AUGER soil mixing technology. Specializing in bioremediation and Thermally Enhanced Soil Vapor Extraction. Site has information on these and other technologies, including Zero Valent Iron Injection.
Multiphase Extraction of Subsurface Petroleum
Describes a multiphase extraction (MPE) system being used to remove a large plume of JP-5 jet fuel from the subsurface at Naval Air Station (NAS) Lemoore in California.
Permeable Reactive Barriers Network
News, information, case studies, and other information on the current status of permeable reactive barriers technology for remediation of groundwater contamination.
Schrader Environmental - Remediation Equipment Tec
Groundwater and soil remediation equipment. Soil vapor extraction equipment, catalytic oxidizers, air strippers, carbon adsortion equipment.
Soil Savers, Inc.
Describes and offers the SoilFX process, a chemical technology for rapid remediation of organic chemical contamination.
Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE)
A primer on soil vapor extraction, its emission control technologies, and alternative remediation methods. Provided by Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Davis to help inform communities located near contaminated sites.
Solerox Biosystems
Offers and describes chemical and biological techniques and systems for the treatment of contaminated soil or water. Features an oxidation technique for treatment of organic compounds such as MTBE and TCE.
State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners
Organization comprised of representatives of U.S. states with established dry-cleaner remediation programs. Research findings and other information on site assessment and remediation technologies in use for remediation of dry-cleaner sites.
Subsurface Protection and Remediation Division
Part of U.S. EPA National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Ada, Oklahoma. Site has extensive collection of technical reports on soil and groundwater remediation technologies.
Technology Tree
Intended to provide a user-friendly tool for (mostly U.S.) communities affected by waste remediation issues. The Technology Tree Matrix is a tool for identifying technology to characterize and clean up hazardous waste sites. Resource Page has web site links, points of contact for federal agencies, and a list of independent technical consultants whose clients are mainly public stakeholders.
University Consortium Solvents-in-Groundwater Rese
Dealing with the behavior, fate and remediation of chlorinated solvents in the subsurface.
Westinghouse Plasma Corp.
A world leader in thermal plasma technology. Manufactures industrial plasma systems in the 50kW to 3 mW power range. Westinghouse plasma torches are used world-wide in iron and steel industry, hazardous waste remediation and in chemicals and materials production.