english deutsch
The Impacts of Climate Change on Portland's W
An investigation of the effects of increased temperatures, changed precipitation, and shifts in the historic hydrologic cycle on the fresh water supply from the Bull Run watershed. From the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington.
U.S. National Assessment - The Potential Consequen
Intended to provide a detailed understanding of climate-related problems facing the U.S. and to examine the possible coping mechanisms that exist to adapt to these problems.
US EPA: Sea Level Rise Reports
Federally funded assessments of the dangers associated with rising sea levels, with a focus on what people should do today to prepare for the consequences. Includes maps of vulnerable areas, abstracts on beach erosion and barrier islands, saltwater intrusion, floods, coastal wetlands, dangers to other nations and estimates of future rise, plus links to the full PDF reports.
US National Institute for Global Environmental Cha
News highlights, publications, initiatives and links to regional centers. Established by the U.S. Congress House of Representatives and the Senate, the center's mission is to assist the nation in its response to human-induced influence on the environment.