Adaptive Strategies for Sustainable Livelihoods in
Description of ASALs Project in Africa, along with outputs, findings, significance and bibliography.
Beijing's Desert Storm
Article and photos describe desertification in China, where the desert is on the move. With dunes already 75 kilometers from Beijing, environmentalists fear the sand could swallow the capital in a few years.
Combatting Desertification
Introduction to desertification and ways to combat desertification, details of activities undertaken and contact information. A site by Canadian International Development Agency.
FAO website on the topic, with technical and scientific data and information available at FAO, plus internet links. Site available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish languages.
Desertification and Drought
Internet links to sites related to desertification, maintained by University of Arizona.
Desertification Information Network of China
About studies of the phenomenon and efforts to combat it, including uses of traditional knowledge. Includes research publications, photos, and links.
Desertification: Monitoring & Forecasting
Text and video reports about remote monitoring in the arid southwest region of United States. General details about desertification, forcasting, desert plants and a photo gallery is also there.
Drylands: Bright Edges of the World
Smithsonian Institution electronic exhibit about deserts and other arid and sub-humid environments, emphasizing desertification and other degradation and its consequences.
Land Degradation and Desertification
International Union of Soil Sciences working group site offers conference reports, technical papers and links to other organizations.
MEDACTION: Policies for Land Use to Combat Deserti
Describes a decision support system for land management in Italy and Portugal. Features project description, bibliography and contact details.
Medalus - Programme on Mediterranean Desertificati
Information about international project, funded by the European Union, to investigate the effects of desertification on land use in Mediterranean Europe.
Monitoring and Early Warning
Maps providing monthly updated, near real time, distributed information on rainfall, actual evapotranspiration, radiation, drought and desertification indices, and crop yield forecasts for Africa and Europe. Includes methodology discussions and links to similar resources.
Selected Internet Resources on Desertification
Information about intergovernmental organizations, national/regional activities,non-governmental organizations in the field of desertification. Also related reports/news/information sources.
The Sahara and the Sahel Observatory (OSS)
Details about mission, objectives and structure of OSS, an organization striving to build up an African arena for cooperation and exchange to combat desertification and poverty. Available in English and Freanch.
UN Convention to Combat Desertification Informatio
Objective is to provide information services on the subject of desertification. Background on the phenomenon, key international documents, and directory of organizations conducting work in this area.
UNDP Dryland Web - Office to Combat Desertificatio
Works in the overall framework of UNDP's sustainable human development mandate to support dryland development and the implementation of the CCD.
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertificatio
Provides access to the official documents maintained or received by the UNCCD Secretariat and is a general source of information on the topic of desertification for the interested public.
Web Resources on Desertification
Links to web sites providing information on desertification worldwide.