Arsenic in Drinking Water - U.S. EPA, Arsenic Links, Arsenic Website Project, Chronic Arsenic Poisoning: History, Study and Reme, Med Help, Medline Plus: Arsenic
California Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Bra, CDC Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, Child Lead Poisoning and the Lead Industry, CLEARCorps: Protecting Children From Lead Poisonin, Connecticut Lead Hazard Awareness Coalition, Environment Arica Chile, Investigation and Surveillance Section, Keep Kids Healthy Guide to Lead Poisoning, Lead and Health, Lead Exposure Harms Millions More Children Than Th
Clean the Rain, Clean the Lakes: Mercury in Rain I, Evolution of Our Understanding of Methylmercury as, FDA Announces Advisory on Methyl Mercury in Fish, Food Safety Research Information Office: Mercury i, Health Canada: Information on Mercury Levels in Fi, Medline Plus: Mercury, Mercury, Mercury in New England, Mercury in the Upper Midwest, Mercury Policy Project
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (
Charged under U.S. CERCLA statute to assess the presence and nature of health hazards at Superfund sites and to help reduce further exposures. Website has toxicity profiles for hazardous chemicals and extensive information on topics such as multiple chemical exposures and PCBs.
Online reference for concerned consumers and end users of Copper Chromated Arsenate (CCA) pressure treated wood. Provides health hazard information and links on the health hazards of CCA, arsenic and chromium exposure.
CDC's Second National Report on Human Exposur
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Second National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals. Ongoing assessment of the exposure of the U.S. population to environmental chemicals using biomonitoring.
Index provides links to research about health disorders resulting from exposure to common chemicals and pesticides.
Chemical Industry Archives
Searchable database of internal chemical industry documents dating from the last 50 years. A project of the Environmental Working Group. Has chemical news, articles, background information and contacts.
Chromium Central
Provides information about chromium for environmental professionals and the general public.
DAIN Metadatabase of Resources for Environmental C
A database of separate databases. Search by type of database, use of chemicals, type of information and/or descriptors.
EDF Chemical Scorecard
Toxic Release Inventory data for the US. Sources and amounts of toxic chemicals released to air and water. Also has information on health effects and other topics.
Environmental Working Group - Body Burden
Reports results from the most comprehensive study ever conducted of multiple chemical contaminants in humans.
Food Safety Research Information Office: Pesticide
Directory of factsheets, reports, press releases, and resources on pesticides and their effects.
Global Campaign to Reduce the Use of Toxic Chemica
Information from the World Wildlife Fund on toxic chemicals in the environment. Focus on endocrine disruptors, persistant organic pesticides (POP's) and agricultural pesticides.
Human and Environmental Risk Assessment
The HERA project is a European voluntary initiative launched by the suppliers and manufacturers, AISE and CEFIC, of household cleaning products to provide a common risk assessment framework. Provides news, risk assessment results and resources.
International Programme on Chemical Safety INCHEM
Provides information on chemicals affecting the environment and human health from internationally peer-reviewed chemical safety-related publications and databases.
National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Information and index on toxicology, environmental health, HIV, and AIDS. Search toxicology and chemical information databases from Specialized Information Services (SIS).
PCBs: Farmed Salmon vs. Wild Salmon - Is Farmed Sa
Discusses various reports on the safety of farmed salmon and PCBs and look into the current PCBs guidelines by various health agencies.
Pesticides, Metals, Chemical Contaminants and Natu
Program area the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) with links to information about these toxins.
Protecting Our Health
Consumer-oriented summary of research on environmental toxins, with peer-reviewed summaries and abstracts of published studies. Covers specific disorders such as infertility, asthma, childhood leukemia, and other cancers.
The Vermiculite Institute
Organized by vermiculite mining companies, processors, and users to promote the many uses of vermiculite and to address concerns about the health and safety of using vermiculite.
Tox Town
Illustrated guide to commonly encountered toxic chemicals, environmental health risks, and the public's health, from the U.S. National Library of Medicine.[Requires Flash]
Toxic Releases and Health
U.S. PIRG Report provides review of pollution data and current knowledge on the health effects of toxic chemicals.
Provides information on US EPA toxic release inventory data for dioxin. Links to other resources.