Department of Geography and Environmental Engineer
The department provides opportunities in research and education for undergraduate and graduate students. BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees are offered. Research foci are atmospheric science, environmental chemistry, biology and economics.
Environmental and Water Resource Engineering, Impe
MSc courses. Offers course contents, students resources, faculty, consultancy.
Environmental Engineering and Water Resources Prog
Master degree. Offers program information, research sites on geology and hydrology, faculty descriptions ,student resources.
Environmental Engineering, Michigan Technological
Bachelor, master and PhD program with focus on water resources engineering, including research on drinking water, modeling, remediation and lake management. Also option for Peace Corps International Masters.
Environmental Engineering, National University, Ca
Master degree. Describes course contents, faculty and staff, resources for current, prospective students and alumni.
Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, Ca
M.S. and PhD in Environmental Engineering and Science, M.S. Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology, M.S. Environmental Transport Processes, Engineer degree. Offers curriculum, research topics, faculty and admissions information.
Environmental Engineering, Technical University of
Two year International MSc course in Lyngby. Describes contents, campus facilities, study system, admission requirements.
Environmental Engineering, University of Arkansas,
MSc degree. Provides course contents, student resources, staff and faculty, guides and catalogs, international students, George Washington Carver project.
Environmental Engineering, University of Iowa
MS and Ph.D. programs in Iowa City. Provides program contents, newsletter, alumni resources, faculty, entrance requirements.
Environmental Engineering, University of Kansas
B.S., M.S., PhD degree in Lawrence, KS. Describes program contents, faculty, student organizations, research focus on Air and Water Quality and Solid and Hazardous waste, links to general University information.
Environmental Engineering, University of Ottawa, C
Master and PhD degree. Describes programs, regulations, research resources, faculty and current student information.
Environmental Engineering, WASTE Program, Universi
Master of Science Degree in Air Quality Control, Solid Waste and Waste Water Process Engineering (WASTE). Offers course contents, faculty, facilities, excursions, international students resources.
Environmental Engineering, Wilkes University, Penn
BS program in Wilkes-Barre, PA. Includes program contents, courses, faculty information, campus life, university resources, alumni resources, use of nature field station and GIS/GPS.
Environmental Technology, Imperial College, London
MSc degree in Env Technology and in Env Diagnosis.
Environmental Technology, Saxion Universities, the
MSc and bachelor degree. Offers course content, career prospects, staff, student work, relation to other sustainable future programs.
Imperial College, London - Centre for Environmenta
Engineering program that focuses on waste treatment and disposal, environmental and health impacts of waste disposal, recycling and re-use of wastes, treatment of contaminated land, waste management policy and law, and waste minimization.
Sustainable Development and Environmental Engineer
Environmental Geoscience program. Offers research areas in mining, waste and sites; and publications.
Wentworth Institute of Technology Environmental En
Description of the program, courses, faculty, laboratories, environmental clubs, projects, students, and areas of study. Boston, Massachusetts, USA.