english deutsch
Berggorilla and Regenwald Direkthilfe
Supports African field biologists and rangers with equipment and raise public awareness in german speaking countries. Gorilla Journal is published in German and English.
Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund
Information about protecting the mountain gorillas.
Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International
Information about endangered mountain gorillas and conservation related programs.
Gorilla 100
Celebrates the original discovery of the mountain gorilla -- details of events in Rwanda.
Gorilla Haven
USA organization supporting in-situ primate conservation efforts in Africa.
The Misty Future of Rwanda's Mountain Gorilla
A personal account of working with, and information about, Gorilla conservation.
The Virungas
Information about Diane Fossey, gorillas, and other primates as well as links and snail-mail addresses for gorilla and primate activist organizations.