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Awesome Tigers
Information about living and extinct tigers.
Endangered Species on Ecobeetle - Tiger
An environmental website with a special focus on endangered tigers. General information, photos, and related links.
Forever Tigers
A non-profit corporation dedicated to educating the public about the plight of tigers in the wild. Information about threats to wild tiger populations, an online store, photo gallery, informational articles, and links.
Love For Tigers
Dedicated to raising awareness for the plight of Tigers.
Save China's Tigers
Dedicated to in-situ conservation of native cat species in China, particularly the South China tiger. Chinese culture information, action plans, how to help, photos, and rewilding training progress.
Scent Dog Monitoring of Amur Tigers
On the use of dogs to track and monitor tigers in Siberia. Dog training information, and tiger research progress and findings.
The Art of BAS, Tiger Conservation Project
Two Brothers - Ancient Rites, raising funds for tiger conservation. Fine art for sale, photographers' adventure stories, and art news.
The Sumatran Tiger Trust
An international charity set up to fund the conservation and protection of Sumatran Tigers in the wild. How to help, adopt a tiger, an online store, general info, a kid's section, and current informational articles.
The Tiger Foundation
A Canadian conservation organization dedicated to the preservation of wild tigers. An overview of the organization, projects being undertaken and facts about tigers and their habitat are given.
Tiger Foundation
A Canadian conservation organization exclusively dedicated to the preservation of wild tigers. News and events, a multimedia gallery, adopt a tiger, and international action alerts.
Tiger Havens Of India
A site by an amateur naturalist dedicated to tigers and their conservation. Informational facts geared towards the general public in eastern countries, wildlife portrait painting services by request, photos, and stories.
Tiger Information Center
Dedicated to providing information to help preserve the remaining five subspecies of tigers. News, research, a kid's section, and a live tiger cub cam feed from the Minnesota Zoo.
Tiger Missing Link Foundation
"Saving tigers one by one" - A non-government organization working in tiger genetics with the private sector tiger owners to preserve tiger biodiversity. Genetics research, educational info, a press kit, and a links directory.
Tiger Plight
Dreamworld's Tiger Island conservation efforts. Issues concerning the history of and threats to endangered Tigers. Trivia, photos, and merchandise for sale.
Tigers in Crisis
Information about endangered tigers, their conservation status, and solutions. General information, a newsletter, image gallery, and an online action taking program.
Tigers in the Wild
Describes the conservation efforts of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to save tigers from extinction due primarily to habitat loss and illegal killing.