Aquatic Diversity
Aquatic Genetic Diversity under the FAO, Fish for All Summit, FishBase, Fishing Out Aquatic Diversity, ICSF - the International Collective in Support of , Salmon-Safe, Visual Database of Demersal Fishes in Turkish Medi, World Fish Center
Clearing Houses
Australian Clearing House on Agricultural Biodiver, Belgian Clearing House: Agricultural Biodiversity, German Agricultural Biodiversity Clearing House, Netherlands Clearing House for Agricultural Biodiv, Netherlands Clearing House on Biodiversity, Swedish Clearing House on Agricultural Biodiversit, UK Clearing House for Agricultural Biodiversity
Domestic Animal Diversity
American Livestock Breeds Conservancy, Ancient Cattle of Wales (ACW), Arreton Rare Breeds, Domestic Animal Diversity Information Service (DAD, EAAP Animal Genetic Data Bank, International Livestock Research Institute - genet, Irish Moiled cattle society, Karen Commitment to Livestock Breeders Rights, League for Pastoral Peoples, Loss of Domestic Animal Diversity
On-Farm Crop Diversity
A Training Guide for In Situ Conservation On-farm, Agricultural Biodiversity and Livelihoods: Issues , In Situ Conservation of Agricultural Biodiversity, On-Farm Conservation: A Global Project, Using Diversity: Enhancing and Maintaining Genetic, Wild Relatives: In Situ Conservation of Crop Wild
Seed Savers
Aotearoa New Zealand: Seed Savers (SSANZ), Australia: Heritage Seed Curators Australia (HSCA), Australia: The Seed Savers Network, Canada: Comox Valley Growers & Seed Savers, Canada: Seeds of Diversity, Ireland: Irish Seed Savers Association, Mexico / USA: Native Seeds/SEARCH, UK: HDRA Heritage Seed Library, UK: Plants for a Future, UK: Primal Seeds Network
Agricultural Biodiversity for Food and Livelihood
UK Agricultural Biodiversity Coalition website. Comprehensive coverage of all issues concerning agricultural biodiversity's sustainable and equitable use, conservation, intellectual property, genetic engineering and governance. Principal CSO resource on the International Seed Treaty (ITPGRFA).
Agricultural Biodiversity under the Convention on
Documentation on the implementation of the CBD's Agricultural Biodiversity work programme (COP Decisions III/11, IV/6, V/5, VI/5 + VI/6 on International Seed Treaty)
Agricultural Biodiversity under the Food and Agric
Website provides full access to all relevant FAO documents on the conservation and sustainable use of Biological Diversity for Food and Agriculture - genetic, species and ecosystems: programmes, plans, treaties, conventions.
CBDC: Community Biodiversity Development and Conse
Global initiative to strengthen the ongoing work of farming communities in conserving and developing the agricultural biodiversity that is vital to their livelihoods and food security.
CGIAR Agricultural Biodiversity Centre
IPGRI, the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, is the CGIAR international agricultural research centre mandated to work on the conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity. Website covers all practical and policy aspects - many downloadable publications.
Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social P
Website of IUCN's Commission with four Working Groups. This one on Sustainable Livelihoods covers community-based, equitable and sustainable management of natural resources. Site provides information on strategy, project reports, publications, links to community and partners' activities.
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Agricultural B
This UPWARD three-volume publication is a global compilation by scientists, development specialists, academics, policy-makers and donors. Vol. 1: understanding agricultural biodiversity, Vol. 2: strengthening local management of agricultural biodiversity, and Vol. 3: ensuring an enabling environment for agricultural biodiversity. PDF downloads of all 75 chapters available.
ETC group (formerly RAFI)
Action group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration. Very relevant site of influential CSO, which contains full texts of key papers, commentaries, cartoons on issues of governance and use of agricultural biodiversity, biotechnology, genomics, nanotechnology and other emerging technologies, as well as corporate control, intellectual property and related issues.
FAO Soil Biodiversity Portal
Includes a framework under which soil biodiversity can be assessed, managed and conserved with pointers to research, capacity building and policy and programme development needs. Case studies and full information.
Farmers' Rights Information Service
Supporting agricultural biodiversity conservation and sustainable and equitable planning for implementing "Agricultural biodiversity for Sustainable Food and Livelihood Security" programmes that increase collective strength and generate international support
Farming Solutions
Joint Oxfam, Greenpeace, ILEIA, Pesticide Action Network site packed with examples of successful, environmentally responsible farming systems that protect the environment and agricultural biodiversity and increase food security.
Gender, Biodiversity and Local Knowledge Systems
The LinKS (Local indigenous Knowledge Systems) a regional effort in southern and East Africa aimed at valuing men and women's local knowledge on the use and management of agricultural biodiversity. Publications and other information about the project and its results.
Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN)
An international non-governmental organisation which promotes the sustainable management and use of agricultural biodiversity based on people's control over genetic resources and local knowledge. Relevant information; links to Growing Diversity project results, and workshops.
Human Nature: Agricultural Biodiversity and Farm-B
[PDF] This 1996 book provides a comprehensive introduction to agricultural biodiversity, with chapters on each major sector: crop genetic resources, farm animal diversity, fish and aquatic life, forests, soil biodiversity and microbial genetic resources. Concludes with discussion of policy issues.
Managing Agricultural Biodiversity in Rural Areas
BMZ/GTZ programme is supporting agricultural biodiversity projects in partner countries as part of their implemention of Agenda 21, CBD and the FAO Global Plan of Action.
Monitoring Institute for Rare Breeds and Seeds in
Research into agricultural biodiversity of extinct and live populations of rare breeds and cultivated plants. Find descriptions of projects, publications, contacts and links. In English and German.
New Agricultural Biodiversity Research Unit
As an outcome of an International Workshop "Managing Agricultural Biodiversity for Sustainable Development" held in Nairobi, Kenya 23-25 October 2003, a new Research Unit has been set up at IPGRI, Rome. Announcement and links to relevant papers. Side Event at CBD COP 7, Kuala Lumpur on 9th February.
ODI Seeds and Crop Diversity Programme
Catalogue of publications focused on maintenance and enhancement of crop genetic resources and agricultural biodiversity through farmer participation; policy, planning and institutional changes necessary for seed security.
People, Land Management and Environmental Change
Sustainable and participatory approaches to conservation of agricultural biodiversity within smallholder farmers' agricultural systems, and in participation with farmers.
Research Foundation for Science,Technology and Eco
Site provides information on the Foundation's work on agricultural biodiversity conservation and protection of people's rights, livelihoods and environment from centralised systems of monoculture in forestry, agriculture and fisheries. Links to many national and global movements.
Safeguard for Agricultural Varieties in Europe
SAVE is a European umbrella organization for the promotion and coordination of activities for the conservation of endangered breeds of domestic animals and cultivated plant varieties in the form of live populations. Site includes background to organisation, project reports and links to many European NGOs.
Supporting On-Farm Conservation in Eastern & S
Includes information and case studies on the institutional conditions for 'successful' interventions, defined in terms of biological as well as economic parameters, derived from this GTZ / ODI / Darwin initiative project with African partners.
Sustainable Production and Conservation of Agricul
Paper by Villarroel (2002), for the UNEP Mountain Forum, analyses high mountain ecological productive rationality. Includes case study on "Mountain Tourism, and the Conservation of Biological and Cultural Diversity".
Sustaining Agricultural Biodiversity
Paper prepared for 2002 Forum for Food Sovereignty. Illustrates how food sovereignty and security, livelihoods, landscapes and environmental integrity are underpinned by agricultural biodiversity and its component genetic resources for food and agriculture. Summarises an Action Agenda to confront threats.
Sustaining Local Food Systems, Agricultural Biodiv
An IIED programme identifying how decentralised governance, farmer participation and capacity building promote the adaptive management of agricultural biodiversity in the context of local food systems and livelihoods. Case studies in India, Indonesia, Iran, Peru. Beautifully illustrated.