Job Search, Bioblogia,, Biomed Scientist Jobs, Canadian Research Positions, Careers for Scientists, Careers in Life Sciences at SciDocs, Directory of chemical producers and processors, Earthworks, eLab Rat
Aleksiuk, Michael, Alonso, Ricardo, Arbiol, Jordi, Ashworth, Malcolm, Baines, Elizabeth, Banerjee, Gitanjali, Berjaoui, Nasser, Boaz, Mona, Bonkowski, Terren, Botros, Andrew
Staffing Services
Organizations and Networks, American Chemical Society Careers and Jobs Page, Anthrojob, Camco Scientific Recruitment, Envirotemps/ETI Environmental Professionals, Evolution Consultants Ltd., Flocyte Associates, Harlan Staffing Consultants, Interea, Kelly Scientific Resources, Kinetica Scientific Recruitment
Biology Careers And Job Searches Starting Point
A broad collection of information on biology employment.
Career Cornerstone
a resource center for those pursuing careers in engineering, mathematics, information technology, and the physical sciences.
Career Management - Lowhen Consulting
Career management for science and technology specialists. Training courses, career change consulting, CV consulting, interviewee preparation, career coaching, personal development.
Careers In and Out of Science
A guide to science careers at every level for students and graduates, with links to both traditional and non-traditional jobs. Jobs, articles, forums, and opinions on the future of science as a career.
National Research Council Research Associateship P
Information about the Postdoctoral Research Associateship Programs that the National Research Council administers for thirty federal laboratories and NASA Research Centers at over one hundred United States and overseas locations.
Office of Science Education - LifeWorks
Health and bioscience career exploration site for students,parents, counselors, mentors, and teachers. Sponsored by the Office of Science Education, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services.
OneStep Jobs
Vacancies from a range of Engineering, Mathematics and Computing recruitment services. Science Math and Engineering Career Resou
Career information and job listings for post doctorate graduates. Also has information on graduate schools in the science fields.
Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) Progra
The National Science Foundation makes possible a number of opportunities for undergraduates to participate in research projects each summer. The exploration sites are established in various fields of science, mathematics, and engineering.
Salaries of Scientists by Discipline
Information of the pay scales of U.S. scientists.
Saltwater, Inc.
Company contracts to provide biological observers on commercial fishing vessels in Alaskan waters.
Science and Engineering Workforce Project
A network of labor economists and other researchers studying the professional development, deployment, and productivity of scientists, engineers, and highly skilled technical workers.
Science Line - Careers Index - Not Just a Lab Coat
Provides information on careers available to those who have studied science. Not Just a Lab Coat also contains advice on which path to take if you want a career in a specific area of science and who to contact for further information.
Science Next Wave UK
Weekly career development resource for scientists with articles, features and forums on a variety of career-related topics.
Science's Next Wave
On-line career resources for young scientists--students and graduates.
Scientist World
Specialising in Science, Technology and Engineering. Free to job seekers.