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American Malacological Society (Union)
Awards to provide research money for undergraduate and graduate students working in malacology.
Charles Schuchert and Carl O. Dunbar Grant
Grant-in-Aid from Yale's Peabody Museum for graduate students studying systematic paleontology
Conchologists of America
Grants in amounts up to $1,500 will be available annually to qualified persons undertaking field or laboratory research on recent or fossil mollusks. Awards are made only to citizens or permanent residents of the Americas or to students attending graduate schools in the United States.
Cushman Foundation Awards
Joseph A. Cushman Awards for Student Research, including the newly named William V. Sliter Research Award. These awards, each with a maximum amount of $1000, are to support research dealing with foraminifera or allied groups.
Information about geology and paleontology funding initiatives at the National Science Foundation
Paleontological Society
Grants in aid to students.
Society for Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP)
Research funding opportunities and awards.
The Paleobiological Fund
Grants for graduate and undergraduate research in paleontology
The Paul Sanders Fund
Fund supported by the Cincinnati Dry Dredgers offering small grants to researchers working on fossils of the Cincinnatian Series and other fossils in the area.