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Caribbean Tectonic Reconstructions
Reconstructions of the Caribbean at various times in the geologic past (past 200 million years)
Evolution of the Colorado River and its Tributarie
Article introducing a model for the evolution of the Colorado River and the origin of the Grand Canyon.
Geology Resources at Colorado University
Paleogeography "movies" of the southwestern United States and the western hemisphere based upon maps made at Northern Arizona by Ron Blakely.
Global Analysis, Interpretation, and Modelling
The goal of GAIM is to advance the study of the coupled dynamics of the Earth system using as tools both data and models.
Global Earth History
A series of plate-tectonic reconstructions to show the broad patterns of Phanerozoic Earth history.
Himalayan Interdisciplinary Paleoclimate Project
Research into the paleoclimatology of the Himalayan mountains, focused on understanding changes in the Indian and Plateau monsoons over the past 2000 years, 20,000 years, and beyond.
Lithologic, Paleogeographic, and Paleocurrent Maps
Offers images of time slices of different ages of the Earth.
NOAA Paleoclimatology Program
Paleoclimate data, research, and education.
Ocean Drilling Program - JANUS Database
Database includes paleontological, lithostratigraphic, chemical, physical, sedimentological, and geophysical data for ocean sediments and hard rocks.
ODSN Plate Tectonic Reconstruction Service
Ocean Drilling Stratigraphic Network (ODNS) interactive tool to calculate platetectonic reconstructions of any age back to 150 My.
International Geosphere-Biosphere Program (IGBP) on paleoclimatology.
Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project
Coordinates and encourages the systematic study of atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs) and to assess their ability to simulate large changes of climate such as those that occurred in the distant past.
Paleoclimatology and Climate System Dynamics
Introduction to the field by Jonathan T. Overpeck. Provided by the American Geophysical Union.
Paleoclimatology and Climatology Resources
Links to publications, software, and data pertinent to paleoclimate research.
Paleogeography of the Southwestern US
Maps showing period-by-period reconstructions of the paleogeography of Southwest United States.
Virtual reality reconstructions illustrating the plate tectonic development of the ocean basins and continents, as well as the changing distribution of land and sea during the past 1100 million years.
Pangea Coring Workshop
Announcement and description of an international workshop on a climatic, biotic, and tectonic transect, pole-to-pole, across the early Mesozoic supercontinent, June 1999. Updated regularly.
Plate Movements and Climate Change
Student exercise from Karen L. Bice of Pennsylvania State University.
Plate Tectonics - Online Data and Software Tools
Data access and software for computing plate tectonic, paleomagnetism, marine gravity anomalies provided by the Istituto Tecnico Industriale E. Molinari, Milan.
The Delphi Project
Marine sediment core data, in particular oxygen and carbon isotope data, from a variety of different locations.
The Paleogeographic Atlas Project
Global paleogeography and paleoclimates, with emphasis on the Permian and Jurassic. Climate-sensitive sediment and fossil plant distributions are shown on detailed paleogeographic maps, enabling determinations of global paleoclimate patterns.