Ambae Volcano (Aoba)
Ambae (Aoba) volcano information, news, and travel.
Ask a volcanologist
Direct your question to someone at the University of Hawaii, land of volcanoes.
Ask an Earth-Scientist
Answers to frequently asked questions about volcanoes as well as answers by experts to new questions.
Center for Study of Active Volcanoes
University of Hawaii at Hilo offers courses in volcanology and monitoring active volcanoes.
Composite volcano (stratovolcano)
Introduction and research links about composite volcanoes
Galapagos Volcanology
Research on geology and volcanoes by Dennis Geist.
Glaciers and Caves on Volcanoes
Images and data on Cascade and other volcanoes.
Hawaii Field Trip
Bob Ballard's Jason Project on the growing lava field from Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii.
Hot Liquid Magma
A volcano guide including a list of the world's killer eruptions.
How Volcanoes Work
Comprehensive educational resource on the science of volcanic processes. Topics include eruption dynamics, volcanic landforms, and types and products of eruptions. Includes several animations.
Kilauea Volcano
Excellent summaries of eruptions including Puu Oo, the latest.
Learning about Volcanoes
Educational resources and extensive links
Montserrat Volcano
Part of Dr. Love's (UK) series on "Science Explained".
NeMO, Undersea Volcano
Monitoring active volcanoes on the sea floor 250 miles off the coast of Oregon.
NOVA: Volcano's Deadly Warning
Companion site to the NOVA TV program. An interview with seismologist Bernard Chouet, who has come up with a new method for predicting volcanic eruptions.
Teachers Guide to Stratovolcanoes
Descriptions of 8 major stratovolcanoes around the Pacific rim.
The Cinder Cone Page
Cinder cones in review, sand pile and numerical models.
The Home School Learning Network: Understanding Vo
Learn about the basics of volcanoes in this unit for all ages.
Volcanic cave contains remains of early Sardinian
News about the origin of Sardinians from the fossil bones in Nurighe's cave closed by a volcanic eruption.
An online volcanology textbook by Robert I. Tilling of the United States Geological Survey.
This interactive exhibit, part of the Exhibits Collection of The Annenberg/CPB Projects, explores why volcanic eruptions occur. Activities invite visitors to melt rocks, locate famous volcanoes and play the role of a volcanologist. Includes video clips and related Web sites of interest.