english deutsch
Equation Balancing, Molecular Mass, Chemical Calculator, Elem, Isotope Pattern Calculator v2.0, JFormula, MS Tools, Norgwyn Montgomery Software, Physicochemical Calculators, Reagent Calculator, Solution Solver Chemistry Calculator, Visual MINTEQ
3D structure generator CORINA, Advanced Pharma Algorithms, Bioreason, Cheminformatics.org, ChemTK, ID Business Solutions, Molinspiration Cheminformatics
Accelrys, Inc, ADS-Limathon, Advanced Chemistry Development, Axiom Discovery, Inc., CambridgeSoft, ChemAxon, Chemical Computing Group (CCG), Chemical Simulations Group, Chemistry-Software.com, ChemSW
Biolinks: Thistle Publishing, CambridgeSoft Corporation, CHED, ChemBase, Chemical Information System (CIS), Chemical Inventory System, Chemical Inventory System, CHEMPAK, Data Aspects' Corp, SilverPlatter Information, Inc.
CACTVS System, Frowns, JChem, JOELib, Jumbo, Molecular Modelling Toolkit (MMTK), Open Babel, PDB2VRML, pdb2vrml, PerlMol
Chemical Informatics Letters, Chemistry Software for Apple Macintosh, Computational Chemistry List - Software, Linux4Chemistry, QSAR Software, Scientific Applications for Linux: Chemistry, The OpenScience Project: Chemistry, Tom's Free Chemistry Software Reference
Chem-It, Chem1, Chemed.net, CheMentor, CHEMIX, Chemory, Chemware, Cyber Ed, Formula Master, High School Chemistry Software and Teaching Resour
Materials Chemistry
Ceramic Chemistry and Database Software, Cheops Analysis and Synthesis, DTW Associates, Inc., ESM Software Software for Materials Science, MTDATA - Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria Softw, Thermal Analysis Software, Triton Technology Time Temperature Superposition (
Periodic Table
Atomic Mac, Atomic PC, BK Periodic Library, Celeste, ChemAP 2000, ChemAP 2003, Dhaatu Periodic Table, Electronic Periodic Table of the Elements, iChem: Periodic table for Mac OS X, Periodic Spiral of the Elements
Physical and Theoretical
ADF, AOMix, ArgusLab, Atoms in Molecules (AIM2000), CASTEP - CAmbridge Serial Total Energy Package, CHEAQS, Chemical Kinetics Simulator Software, CHEMKIN Collection Software, CONFLEX2000, CRYSTAL Home Page
Drawing, Visualization, Hyleos ChemFileBrowser and ChemView, Marvin, Mol2Mol, Molecule for Macintosh, MOLGEN
Web Publishing
Chime, Clip Art from Bio-Rad/Sadtler, GIF/PNG-Creator for 2D Plots of Chemical Structure, JavaScript Periodic Table by Tim Helvey, Marvin Applets and JavaBeans, PDB to MultiGif, Periodic Table at the JavaScript Source, SGML/XML at OASIS, VRML File Creator for Chemical Structures, VRML in Chemistry
Linux for Chemistry CD-ROM Project
Bundles over 1 Gb of chemistry software, pre-built for the Linux operating system. Contents, screenshots, and ordering.