British Section of the Society of Protozoology
This is the UK home of the protozoology society. Find out about our spring and autumn meetings or how to join and participate.
British Section Society of Protozoologists
Promotes the study, teaching and dissemination of all aspects of protozoology; provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of results obtained from original research and for an exchange of information on experimental design and techniques; encourages developing and novel aspects of protozoology.
Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa
Maintains a collection of over 2000 strains of algae and protozoa.
Gallery of Life In a Pond
Beautiful photomicrography highlights a short natural history of 10 different species of 'Proctoctista' organisms. Other galleries show different groups of microlife.
Introduction to the Ciliata
A brief description of the ciliate protozoans.
Lacrymaria olor: Tear of a Swan
Article about this fascinating protozoan from Micscape magazine, with a movie of Lacrymaria olor in action.
Ordo Chytridiales
A systematic overview of an order of Watermolds
Protist Kingdom
A brief introduction to the Protists with activities for students.
Protozoan Houses
Shells, tests, gelatinous envelopes and other protozoan body coverings are discussed in this article from Micscape.
Protozoan Parasites
Images of the water-borne parasites Cryptosporidium parvum, Entamoeba histolytica, and Giardia lamblia.
Sarcodina: Chaos (Pelomyxa) Carolinensis
An article about observing this large amoeba.
Skovgaard, Alf
Personal site on research in ecology of marine protists (dinoflagellates) including protistan parasites in planktonic copepods.
Society of Protozoologists
International group of scientists that use protists as their research organisms.
The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology Home Page
The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology publishes original research on protists, including lower algae and fungi. Articles are published covering all aspects of these organisms, including their behavior, biochemistry, cell biology, chemotherapy, development, ecology, evolution, genetics, molecular biology, morphogenetics, parasitology, systematics, and ultrastructure.
Volvox: a beautiful microscopic life-form
Stunning photographs and video clips, and a description of Volvox, can be seen in this article by Maurice Smith and Ken Jones from Micscape Magazine.