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A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing?
The emergence of cloning technology and the implications of cloning adult human beings. Includes transgenic and nuclear technologies, genetics, and public issues.
Can They Clone a Mammoth?
Coverage of the expedition to raise an intact mammoth from the Siberian permafrost. [Discovery Online]
Cloned Calves are Grown from Cultured Cells
Six cloned calves have been created from cells cultured in vitro for up to three months, confirming previous work showing that relatively "old" cells can be used to clone whole animals.
Illustrated article and brief history. Provides links to related articles, timelines, photographs and video presentations.
Broad range of basic data including scientists, methods, stem cells, research, and abnormalities.
Cloning & Stem Cells
Subscription based research journal. Includes, table of contents, and notes for contributors.
Cloning Humans: Can It Really Be Done?
Dr. David Whitehouse answers some questions about cloning and whether the technology can be made to work in humans.
Cloning Webliography
A collection of Web resources on the scientific, ethical, and legal aspects of animal and human cloning. Includes articles, books, research, and societies.
Cloning: Bringing Back Endangered Species.
The first successful cloning of an endangered animal to late-stage fetal development has been reported; from Applied Genetics News.
Cloning: Dumb Human Pet Tricks
From Cloning, a story about a Texas A&M team that plans to clone pets.
Cloning: Pigs Cloned for the First Time
The first pigs ever born as a result of nuclear transfer (cloning) using adult cells.
Cloning: Return to the Future
Cells from six healthy cow clones show no signs of the premature aging reported for Dolly the cloned sheep, according to researchers from Advanced Cell Technologies, Inc.
Conceiving a Clone
Features a timeline, techniques, media centre, cloning debate, and legislation. offers an interactive section including create a clone.
Developing transgenic in vivo and in vitro models: DNA microinjections, knock-out and knock-in mice, embryonic stem cell differentiation, inducible and conditional systems.
Human Cloning and Genetic Modification
The basic principles of embryogenesis and germline engineering - from the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals.
Jurassic Park: The Study Guide
Student resource and answers to many of the biological and scientific questions that have been raised since the book was published.
Nuclear Transfer: Bringing in the Clones
Illustrated article with references.
Reproductive Genetics Resource Center
Offers current news stories and links to related resources. Includes a basic primer on cloning and genetic engineering. From the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals.
Roslin Institute: Cloning
This is the institute that produced the cloned sheep, Dolly. An archive of articles relating to nuclear transfer and other cloning techniques is provided.
The Cloning of Dolly: Science Explained
Cell biology, and developmental biology from zygote to adult, including cells, nuclear transfers, microinjection, and development.
Viable Offspring Derived from Fetal and Adult Mamm
The article announcing Dolly in the science journal Nature.