Hawaiian Native Plants - Peperomia
Photos of several species found in Hawaii.
Description of this genus of tropical perennials, including their propagation and care, from botany.com.
Description and culture of this tropical genus, including brief information about several individual species and cultivars.
Photographs of several species, from Peter Lapshin's succulent site.
Peperomia argyreia
Photo of the plant called watermelon begonia or watermelon pepper.
Peperomia argyreia (Watermelon Peperomia)
Photograph and culture information for this species that is cultivated as a houseplant.
Peperomia caperata (Emerald Ripple Peperomia)
Photo, description, and culture information for this popular houseplant that is native to the rain forests of Brazil.
Peperomia fraseri (Flowering Peperomia)
Description, culture information, and a photo of this plant's flowers.
Peperomia leptostachya
Image of Alaa wai nui from Hawaii.
Peperomia obtusifolia
Description and image of blunt-leaved peperomia.
Peperomia obtusifolia (Baby Rubber Plant)
Photograph, description, and culture information for this houseplant that is native to tropical America, including southern Florida.
Peperomia obtusifolia (Baby Rubber Plant)
Photo and culture information for this species that is grown as a houseplant.
Peperomia pellucida
Species information for the tropical plant commonly known as potpopot, podpod-lahi, or rtertiil, from the Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk project.
Peperomia wheeleri - Wheeler's Peperomia
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service species account for this endangered plant species, known only from Culebra, a small island east of Puerto Rico.
Detailed information, photos, and horticulture of Peperomia species.
The Families of Flowering Plants: Peperomiaceae
Description of this group, with an illustration.
The Peperomia Page
Information about the genus and its cultivation.