Cotton: The Fabric of Our Lives, Gossypium barbadense, Gossypium hirsutum, Gossypium tomentosum
Hibiscus arnottianus, Hibiscus cannabinus, Hibiscus esculentus, Hibiscus Gallery, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Hibiscus schizopetalus, Hibiscus syriacus, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Hibiscus trionum
Montezuma speciosissima, Montezuma speciosissima, Thespesia populnea, Thespesia populnea
Australian Native Hibiscus
Information about some hibiscus and related plants.
Description of Malvaceae
Habit and leaf form; Anatomy; Morphology; Physiology; Biochemistry; Geography.
Brief description of the family, and illustrations and detail of some plants.
Malvaceae Info
Information and images on many species of ornamental malvaceous plants, including flowers, foliage, and fruit. Subdivided by genera.