Bulbophyllum affine
Offers general information, classification and historical data.
Bulbophyllum biflorum
Data and classification of this orchid from Mt. Kinabalu, Borneo.
Bulbophyllum bisetum
Offers general information, classification and historical data.
Bulbophyllum careyanum
Offers general information, classification and historical data.
Bulbophyllum edwardii
Offers general information, classification and historical data.
Bulbophyllum egantulum
Offers general information, classification and historical data.
Bulbophyllum falcatum
Offers general information, classification and historical data.
Bulbophyllum gibbosum
Offers general information, classification and historical data.
Bulbophyllum grandiflorum
Offers general information, classification and historical data.
Bulbophyllum guttulatum
Offers general information, classification and historical data.
Bulbophyllum kusukusense
Offers general information, classification and historical data.
Bulbophyllum lepidum
Offers general information, classification and historical data.
Bulbophyllum lilacinum
Offers general information, classification and historical data.
Bulbophyllum pulchellum
Offers general information, classification and historical data.
Bulbophyllum rufinum
Offers general information, classification and historical data.
Bulbophyllum sikkimensis
Offers general information, classification and historical data.
Bulbophyllum watsonianum
Offers general information, classification and historical data.