english deutsch
A Sphagnum bog
A photograph of the Cape Breton Plateau-Taiga
A microscopic image of the male part of a Sphagnum plant.
Introduction to the Sphagnopsida
Fossil record, life history, life cycle, systematics and morphology.
Links to information about the specimens in the American Bryophyte Catalogue of The New York Botanical Garden.
A description of the order.
A microscopic image of the hyaline cells and spiral thickenings of the cell wall.
A photograph of the leaves of a Sphagnum plant.
A description of the Genus, along with information about its medicinal uses.
A photograph of capsules.
Photograph of the gametophyte bearing sporophytes.
Sphagnum balticum
A description of the habitat in which this species grows in Wales, along with a photograph of the gametophyte.
Sphagnum balticum
A photographic image.
Sphagnum balticum
A photographic image.
Sphagnum centrale
A photographic image.
Sphagnum compactum
A description of the habitat in which this species grows in Wales, along with a photograph of the gametophyte.
Sphagnum contortum
A description of the habitat in which this species grows in Wales, along with a photograph of the gametophyte.
Sphagnum contortum
A photographic image.
Sphagnum fallax
A photographic image.
Sphagnum fimbriatum
A photographic image.
Sphagnum fuscum
A description of the habitat in which this species grows in Wales, along with a photograph of the gametophyte.
Sphagnum fuscum
A photographic image.
Sphagnum girgensohnii
A photographic image.
Sphagnum girgensohnii
A photographic image.
Sphagnum imbricatum
Previously known as Sphagnum austinii. A description of the habitat in which this species grows in Wales, along with a photograph of the gametophyte.
Sphagnum lindbergii
A photographic image.
Sphagnum lindbergii
A photographic image.
Sphagnum lindbergii
A photographic image.
Sphagnum majus
A photographic image.
Sphagnum nemoreum
A photographic image.
Sphagnum obtusum
A photographic image.
Sphagnum papillosum
A photographic image.
Sphagnum papillosum
A photographic image.
Sphagnum pulchrum
A description of the habitat in which this species grows in Wales, along with a photograph of the gametophyte.
Sphagnum riparium
A photographic image.
Sphagnum rubellum
A photographic image.
Sphagnum russowii
A photographic image.
Sphagnum squarrosum
Image of the gametophyte.
Sphagnum squarrosum
A photographic image.
Sphagnum subnitens
A description of the habitat in which this species grows in Wales, along with a photograph of the gametophyte.
Sphagnum subsecundum
A description of the habitat in which this species grows in Wales, along with a photograph of the gametophyte.
Sphagnum subsecundum
A photographic image.
Sphagnum warnstorfii
A photographic image.
Sphagnum wulfianum
A photographic image.
A cross-section of the spore sac of the sporophyte.