english deutsch
Andreaea, Andreaea frigida, Andreaea rothii, Andreaea rupestris, Andreaeaceae, Andreaeales, Andreaeopsida, Gleason Moss Collection: Andreaeaceae, Life cycle of Takakia, Takakia ceratophylla
Amblystegiaceae, Archidiaceae, Aulacomniaceae, Bartramiaceae, Brachytheciaceae, Bryaceae, Bryoxiphiaceae, Buxbaumiaceae, Calymperaceae, Catoscopiaceae
Polytrichum, Atrichum oerstedianum, Polytrichaceae, Polytrichales
A Sphagnum bog, Antheridium, Introduction to the Sphagnopsida, Sphagnaceae, Sphagnales, Sphagnum, Sphagnum, Sphagnum, Sphagnum, Sphagnum
A Fossil Bryophyte
The sporophyte stalk of a Devonian-age fossil bryophyte from Scotland.
An Introduction to Backyard Mosses
A short guide to finding and collecting mosses for budding bryologists.
A short introduction.
A description of the Phyllum, with images of several species.
A brief description of mosses and their ecology, with microscopic images.
Life history and ecology.
Characteristics and phylogeny of mosses from the Tree of Life Project.
Bryophyte DNA
A list of DNA sequences for mosses.
Bryophyte Flora of North America
A taxonomic guide to bryophytes that includes genus descriptions, distribution maps, references of research articles, and links.
Bryophyte Herbarium (TENN)
Search the database of the bryophyte herbarium of the University of Tennessee.
Bryophyte Images
3D images of Bartramia halleriana, Campylopus introflexus, Cryphea heteromalla, Dichodontium pellucidum, Fissidens incurvus, Philonotis calcarea and Plagiomnium elatum.
Bryophyte Index
The Bartley bryophyte herbarium of Ohio University.
Bryophyte Index
Images of bryophytes and their characteristics
Bryophyte Specialist Group
The world conservation union and Species Survival Commission.
Images of several features of mosses.
A description of their main features.
Contains a PDF file describing mosses, liverworts and hornworts.
An introduction.
A brief description.
Assessment of Moss, Liverwort and Hornwort diversity in the Montane Cordillera Ecozone.
A JPEG image of sporophytes attached to gametophytes.
Information about bryophytes, their importance, how to identify them and checklists for Hong Kong.
Bryology at The Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh.
Part of the European Biotechnology Program dedicated to plant molecular biology. This site includes a report into hormone-mediated regulation of cellular development in the moss, Physcomitrella patens and images of each stage of the bryophyte life cycle.
Flora Danica
Images of herbarium specimens.
A list of links to JPEG images of Bryophytes.
Missouri Botanical Garden - Bryology Research
Comprehensive bryophyte resource, including mosses database, world and regional checklists.
Moss Bioreactor
Information on the use of Physcomitrella patens in bioreactors to produce human proteins.
Moss Literature
A bibliography of bryophyte related papers, with the option to download the file.
The classification of bryophytes by D. Vitt.
Mosses and Allies
Small green non-flowering plants.
Mosses and Liverworts in Wales
Produced by a member of the Countryside Council for Wales, this site gives an overview of what byophytes are, the habitats where they can be found in Wales and their conservation
Mosses in North-West Europe
A key to identify mosses and liverworts (Bryophyta and Hepaticae) in North-West Europe.
Pictures of Bryophytes
Photographs of many bryophyte species.
Registered Bryophyte Specimens
A searchable bryophyte database from the Department of Cryptogamic Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History.
The New York Botanic Gardens
Centre for bryological information
The World's Most Endangered Bryophytes
A list of the most endangered mosses and liverworts, with descriptions of their habitats and the last known localities.