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Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research
Conducts research in all aspects of the biology of sea turtles, trains graduate students, and furthers sea turtle conservation through the communication of these research results to the scientific community, management agencies, and conservation organizations throughout the world.
Sea turtle protection group in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Group sponsors eco-tours, operates a turtle nursery, and is developing a tracking and monitoring system.
Baja Turtles
Volunteer group in Baja Mexico - information about conservation of Leatherback and Olive Ridley turtles.
Barbados Sea Turtle Project
Aims to conserve endangered sea turtle populations in Barbados through the application of scientifically sound conservation measures, monitoring programmes, and public education.
Beaches Sea Turtle Patrol
Information on sea turtles in Florida and how to help them during nesting periods.
Broward County Sea Turtle Conservation Program
South Florida information about sea turtles, their nesting habits, and what to do to help them.
Caribbean Conservation Corporation/Sea Turtle Surv
Dedicated to the conservation of sea turtles and related marine and coastal wildlife through research, training, advocacy, education, and the protection of natural areas.
Conservation and education about sea turtles in the Mediterranean. Species accounts, identification keys, biology, and photo gallery.
Florida Leatherbacks
Information about Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) projects in Juno Beach, Florida.
Florida Wildlife: Sea Turtles
Notes on observing sea turtles in Florida.
Galveston Laboratory - Sea Turtles
Photos and notes on turtle research at the National Marine Fisheries Service Galveston Laboratory.
Green Sea Turtles
Detailed information on the biology, natural history, and factors affecting the population of Green Sea Turtles.
Green Sea Turtles in Hawaii
General information, images, and a video from a tour company.
Satellite tracking of a Green Sea Turtle in the Mediterranean.
Grupo Ecológico de la Costa Verde
Dedicated to the preservation of endangered marine turtles.
Help Endangered Animals - Ridley Turtles
Organized in 1982 to save the Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle (Lepidochelys kempi) from extinction by educating the public and supporting conservation laws that protect sea turtles.
Kiawah Turtles
Loggerhead Turtles photos and conservation in Kiawah Island, South Carolina, USA.
Loggerhead Sea Turtle Tracking Site
Tracks the movements of a turtle tagged at the Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge in Virginia.
Marine Reptiles
Description of the different species of marine turtles with illustrations, links to photos. Also includes brief information on sea snakes.
Marinelife Center of Juno Beach
Non-profit education and conservation facility dedicated to the conservation and preservation of our marine environment through education, research, and rehabilitation. Located in Palm Beach County, Florida.
Marnix Hoekstra's Turtle Pages
Photo gallery of four summers working with the Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece (Archelon) and other turtle stuff.
The Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles aims to conserve and protect the remaining Mediterranean sea turtle populations and their ecosystems through scientific research programs, education, political liaison, publicity, and fund-raising.
New York State Sea Turtle Program
Information and research on Loggerhead, Green, Kemp's Ridley, and Leatherback sea turtles.
NOAA - Sea Turtle Protection and Conservation
Species information, protection, reports, and publications.
Parismina Turtle Commission
Information about the nesting sea turtles on the Caribbean beach of Parismina, Costa Rica.
Sea Turtle Conservation and Education Program
Mission is protection and study of sea turtle populations; information about conservation/volunteer program and environmental education program on the Osa peninsula, Costa Rica. In Spanish and English.
Sea Turtle Inc.
Education, research, and rehabilitation center in South Padre Island, Texas.
Sea Turtle Postage Stamps of the World
A list of all known sea turtle stamps, including many images.
Sea Turtle Preservation Society
Group concerned with the fate of the sea turtles that nest on Florida beaches. Newsletter and photos.
Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece
Conservation and education projects.
Sea Turtle Restoration Project
An activist and educational resource for protecting endangered sea turtles and marine biodiversity.
Sea Turtles
Physical characteristics, nesting habits, behavior, diet, and natural history of sea turtle. From the Seaworld Education site.
Sea Turtles and Lights
Highlights the problem of lights interfering with nesting sea turles in southern Florida.
Sea turtle information resource, home of the Marine Turtle Newsletter and Noticiero de Tortugas Marinas.
Smithsonian Magazine - Requiem for a Heavyweight
Science meets shamanism at a gathering to ponder the fate of the Pacific Ocean leatherback.
St. Catherines Sea Turtle Conservation Program
Conservation of sea turtles nesting on the Georgia Coast.
Tortuguero's Turtles and Costa Rica's Tr
Smithsonian photographer Laurie Minor-Penland describes her trip to photograph nesting endangered Green Sea Turtles and the nearby tropical rainforest.
Turtle Trax
Turtle Trax is dedicated to the wonder and beauty of sea turtles, showing people why sea turtles are threatened throughout the world.
World Wide Fund for Nature - Marine Turtles
Overview of marine turtle species and conservation.